Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I am soooooo jealous!

Okay I just need to vent! My Mom is going on an amazing trip next month and I am so bummed I can't go with her (because of money). She's going on a 3 week vacation to Scotland to visit friends & family, but she's also going to the Netherlands to visit her friends daughter (& her family). Depending on time & money she may go to France & Germany too! I know (or at least I'm hoping) I'll get a chance to go on a trip like that one day and right now just isn't the time, but I'm still sad. It would've been a great "bonding" time with my Mom. And I know once Kyle & I have kids I won't be able to take a trip like that for a while! At first I was really mad, sad, and frustrated but now that I've had time to think about it and realize we just can't afford me taking three weeks off from work and go gallivanting around the world I feel a lot better.
Thanks for letting me vent...

1 comment:

lornajed said...

How knows Julie, maybe one day you'll make it over here to The Netherlands.
In the meantime here's a few words in Dutch that you can practise - just in case you come over!
Hoi - hello
Hoe gaat het met je? - how are you?
Leuk om je weer te zien - nice to see you again.
Tot ziens - goodbye
liefs - love
Lorna xx