Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Rylie & Brooklyn got build-a-bear gift cards for Christmas, so yesterday after school we went to the mall and they got to spend them! They had so much fun building their LaLaLoopsy doll & Minion!

"Thanks Lauren & Robert!"

Our annual trip to Knott's

Rylie's 100th Day Of Kindergarten!

Yesterday was Rylie's 100th day Of kindergarten! The kids had to make a shirt with 100 things on it, of course my daughter picked sea animals (just like her Mama!). I got to help in the classroom with their special "100 activities", I also got to stay and see their "fashion show". The kids had a really fun day :)

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Brooklyn joined gymnastics!

Rylie has been in gymnastics for awhile now and Brooklyn has been wanting to try it. So after the holidays we signed her up and she absolutely LOVES it!