Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

visiting with friends...

Yesterday Rylie & I went over to my friend Summer's house to see her new baby (boy #3!), my friend Becky & her son Chase went too. It was so nice to see them! I took a couple of pictures of the "big" kids but I can't believe I never took a picture of that beautiful baby boy :( We had a very nice time visiting & catching up. Summer had some crazy stories to tell us, after she had the baby she had a heart attack (she's only 32!) & they told her she might die, then a few weeks later Baby Reed had to go in for surgery on his tummy! But I'm happy to report both Mommy & baby are doing great now!!!

"We love you Summer, thanks for having us over.  Reed is adorable!"

Chase & Rylie

Chase, Rylie, Cade & Cole

Monday, September 13, 2010

10 month pictures

I know it's not "officially" Fall, but I just love this time of year! Here are some "Fall" pictures of Rylie I took today...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

L.A. County Fair

Yesterday we went to the L.A. County Fair. It was such a great day! The weather was perfect & Rylie had so much fun. We were there for 6 hours and she only took a 15 minute nap. She smiled & laughed all day!! She just loves being outside. The L.A. County Fair is so much better than the Orange County Fair.They have more attractions, more booths, more animals and better places to eat. Kyle and I really enjoyed ourselves too.

Kyle's favorite, the Clydesdale's

a baby cow

bacon anyone?

My 2 animal lovers!

Rylie & her Daddy

My little monkey!

Mommy & Rylie @ the fair

double digits!

Our little monkey is 10 months old today! I can't believe she's going to be a year old in 2 months. Rylie is such a fun & happy baby, she amazes us everyday.

Here are some things that she did or happened from 9 to 10 months...
*She can pick up her food and feed herself (cheerios, yogurt melts, ect...)
*She says "Da Da" and babbles all the time
*She wears 9 months in clothes & size 3 in shoes (I know she has big feet hahaha)
*She had her first cold & her first trip(s) to Urgent Care
*She can walk all over the place holding on to things
*She takes medicine like a good girl
*She'll pretty much eat anything & everything you give her
*She takes baths in the sink now, she's too big for her "baby bath"
*She's learning "NO"
*Still only has 2 teeth but we're hoping another one is on the way (after all the pain she's been in)
*She still loves being outside, playing with her toys, watching her cartoons, playing in sand, car rides, being in water, her walker & jumperoo, and one of her favorite things to do is watching the birds in the backyard (we have bird feeders).
I'm sure I'm missing stuff, she's so active now it's hard to keep track of everything she's doing.

Here's to another fun & exciting month!

9 years ago...

Nine years ago today our world changed forever. Today marks the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. My daughter will never know what the world was like before September 11, 2001.She will learn about it in school and probably write a report on it someday. But for you & I it was a reality, we will always remember where we were when we heard the tragic news. Let's never forget the lives that were lost, the lives that were forever changed, and the hero's that risked their own lives to save others.

Let's remember to take some time today to be thankful for this amazing country we live in and for all the men & women who fight for it everyday!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

our downstairs bathroom

When we had our kitchen counter tops done (see post below) we had them put in a new counter top in our downstairs bathroom too. We also had them do a part of our fireplace but it's not done yet (all the granite matches). I don't have a before picture of the bathroom but here's what it looks like with the new counter top & a new mirror...

finally hung our family pictures...

We finally hung some of the family pictures we had taken in July. I know it's very plain & simple but I love how this wall turned out!

Look at my new refrigerator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait till you see what my new refrigerator does!

Looks like a regular every day fridge right? look a little closer...

That's right my friends my new refrigerator plays a slide show of my very own pictures! If anyone is going to have this fridge it would be ME hahahaha. It holds up to 100 pictures. It even has a full keyboard so you write things & leave messages. It has a calendar, clock, drawing pad, and many other things that I haven't figured out yet lol

It's like a brand new kitchen!

Last month we did a much needed "mini makeover" to our kitchen. We got new granite counter tops & all new stainless steal appliances. What a difference! It turned out really good, we are very happy with it.




*yes I know, we have a tiny kitchen hahahahaha

feeling much better...

FYI... Rylie is feeling much better, thank goodness! She still has some pain in her mouth from teething and the occasional runny nose but other than that she's good. Thank you for all the "well wishes".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Bye Bye Grandma"

We had to say goodbye to my Mom this morning. She came to visit us for 3 weeks, it was hard to see her go. She helped me out so much while she was here. I am so thankful she was here when Rylie was sick, I don't know what I would've done without her. She would get up early just so I could go back to bed and get some extra sleep (Rylie gets up at 5am every morning!). Rylie loves her Grandma so much, she kept looking for her this morning. They have such a special bond, there were times she wouldn't even come to me she just wanted her Grandma. My Mom played with her, did her laundry, fed her, changed her, gave her her medicine, washed & made her bottles, helped pack the diaper bag every day, sat with her in the back seat, watched her silly cartoons with her & even got up with her during the night a few times. It was a really nice break for me. Hopefully it won't be too long before we see her again!

"Thank you Mom for everything, I really appreciate all the help. It was so nice having you here for so long, I had a lot of fun with you (as always). We love you so much, thanks again!"

random August pictures...

Here's a bunch of pictures from the month of August. We had a great summer, sad to see it end.

Oak Glen

Another thing we did while my Mom was in town was spent the day at Oak Glen. It's a little town in the Beaumont Mountains just north of Yucaipa. We had lunch, walked around the little "zoo", fed the animals, and picked apples & raspberries. It was a wonderful day, the weather was perfect!

Jessica's shower

My friend Jessica is getting married in October, last month I went to her bridal shower. I was lucky that my Mom was in town to watch Rylie that night (Kyle had to work) so I could go. It was so nice getting out of the house, getting "kinda" dressed up and having adult conversation. I had so much fun. Jessica's friend's and family are wonderful. I am so blessed to have her as my friend, she is one of a kind! Can't wait for the BIG DAY. Love you Jess!

Queen Mary

While my Mom was in town we tried to go do some fun things, one day we went to the Queen Mary in Long Beach. It was a beautiful day. Kyle had to work so he couldn't go. My Mom, Rylie & I had a great day together...

Kendall's party

Okay I am so behind on my "blogging".
Rylie's friend Kendall celebrated her 1st birthday back on August 14th, here are a few pictures from her party...

hard to believe these two were both preemies!

Taylor & Rylie "twinsies"

Kris (Kendall's Daddy) & Kyle have been friends since kindergarten!


Rylie's 9 month pictures

Here are some of Rylie's 9 month pictures that I took. I haven't had time to go through and edit or crop them, but I figure I better post them before she turns 10 months hahahahaha. She loved going to the beach and playing in the sand, she would've crawled & played in it all day if I let her. She is such a good girl when Mommy takes her pictures, she is very patient with me :)