Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

look familiar?

Does this Easter basket look familiar?

it's the same basket I had Rylie's Easter pictures taken in last year!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend 2011

We went camping at O'Neill Park with a bunch of friends & family for Easter. We had a GREAT time! This is our 2nd year doing this Easter camping trip, I think it's become a tradition - can't wait for next year! Thanks everyone for a great weekend...

Happy 7th Birthday Jenna!

Our niece Jenna turned 7 years old last Thursday, Rylie & I went to The American Girl store in L.A. with Jenna, Auntie Kim, & Grandma. After Jenna got her doll we went to dinner at Johnny Rockets. Rylie was such a good girl! We had such a special day together.

Grandma, Jenna, & Rylie @ The Grove


Rylie & Jenna @ The American Girl Store

Kim, Jenna & Jeni @ Johnny Rockets

Don't they look alike?!?!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Grandma & Grandpa's visit

My parents came to visit a couple of weeks ago, we had such a nice visit with them. We went to the aquarium in Long Beach one day, went to dinner with my brother John & his wife one night, went shopping, visited the Easter Bunny, spent a lot of time playing in the back yard, and just enjoyed spending time together. It's always hard to say good-bye but we'll be seeing them again in June! Here are some pictures from our visit with my Mom & Dad (and of course Annie & Bliss- they're dogs)...
"Thanks for coming to visit us, we love & miss you very much!"

Easter Bunny 2011

Okay...so my kid hates the Easter Bunny hahahaha. As soon as she saw him she starting freaking out. In her defense he was kinda scary! This is the best shot we got...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

friends forever

Chase & Rylie - April 12, 2011

We went over to my friend Becky's house for a play date on Tuesday. Becky & I have been friends for 28 years. I just know Rylie & Chase will be friends forever just like their Mommies!

"Me & My Girl"

Long Beach Aquarium - April 6, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Grandpa & Grandma are coming to town!

My Mom & Dad are driving down from Washington, they will be here on Sunday! We are SO excited to see them. They are going to be here for a week, hopefully it cools down while they're here (it's been in the 90's the last couple of days). My parents are so excited to see Rylie, it's hard for them being away from her. Rylie loves her Grandma & Grandpa, she has so much fun with them. I know we're going to have a wonderful week together, full of great memories!