Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

More new friends...

Rylie met more new friends on Friday. My friend Tana and her two kids came over for a visit.

Ace & Rylie - he liked the baby!
Alexa, Tana, Ace & Rylie

Ace - All this kid does is SMILE!!!

"Hangin' out with my boys!"

Levi, Diesel & Rylie hangin' out on a Saturday afternoon...


Rylie got a bumbo seat! She sits in it like a big girl, even though she looks like a little doll :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

random pictures

She's getting so strong. She can straighten her legs and stand up when we hold her.

She thinks she's such a big girl sitting up on the couch. And she likes being naked hahaha

In the car on the way to Oak Glen

Sleeping Beauty!

One night last week Rylie slept 13 hours!!! I kept checking on her to make sure she was okay because she had never slept that long before. I couldn't believe it, 13 hours, WOW! All week last week she slept like a champ, anywhere from 6 to 13 hours. She did have one night that she woke up every 4 hours to eat (which is her norm). I'm hoping this "sleeping through the night" thing lasts, although I wish she'd go to sleep later, she usually falls asleep around 6pm and is up at 2 or 3am ( but I'm not going to complain, I just have to learn go to bed earlier). Last night she did get up at midnight, 4am and 8 am so maybe last week was just a fluke. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A great gift idea!!!!

My friend Jen gave me a gift certificate for my baby shower to a place called Little Bitty Prints. I took Rylie a couple of weeks ago to have have her hand & foot print done. I just thought this was such a thoughtful gift to give someone and wanted to pass along the idea.

Here's the website, they're located in Corona


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3 month pictures...

Well my friend Sariah did it again, more amazing photos of my girl!!! Here are Rylie's 3 month pictures, enjoy...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

An early Valentine's Day...

Kyle had to work all weekend so we celebrated Valentine's Day early. Last Thursday my Aunt & Uncle came over to watch Rylie so Kyle & I could go to dinner and a movie. We ate dinner at The Elephant Bar (which I don't recommend) and then went and saw Avatar in IMAX 3D (which I highly recommend!).
Rylie & I both got spoiled this Valentine's Day, Daddy bought us both beautiful flowers and diamond earrings!!! Now we just have to take the little munchkin to get her ears pierced. Poor Kyle gets to order his own knee pads for dirt bike riding as his Valentine's gift ( I had no idea which ones to get him).

"We love you so much, you're the best Daddy in the whole world. Thanks for taking such good care of us. You made our Valentine's Day very special!!!"

3 months old

Okay I seriously can't believe my baby is 3 months old already. You always hear people say "it goes by fast", now I know what they mean! Rylie turned 3 months old on Thursday, she weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long at her doctor's appt. She's been sleeping a lot more through the night and stays awake more during the day. We just started her on 4 ounces of formula, she's still having some issues with throwing up but the doctor said she's gaining weight so not to worry about it too much. It's so fun watching her discover new things, she loves being outside. She smiles & laughs a lot now, I love listening to her make all her noises. Right now she sleeps in her cradle by my bed, I'm hoping to put her in her crib in her room next month but we'll see how that goes (I might chicken out hahahahaha).

My beautiful girl

Here's my big girl in her swing

A day visiting with friends...

Becky, Amy & I have been friends since we were 4 years old, now the three of us all have kids of our own. Chase & Emma just turned a year old in December & January (they're 3 weeks apart), they had a great time playing together. Rylie on the other hand pretty much slept the entire time (again! hahahaha). Amy moved to Colorado last summer so it was really nice to see her & Emma.

This is pretty much what Rylie did all day...

"how cute is this picture?!?!"

Emma & Chase
Rylie & Chase
Emma & Rylie

"Thanks for having us over Becky, it was a really nice day!"

2nd place...

Kyle did another race for the Fire/Police MX, he came in second in his class. Rylie & I didn't go because it was raining but Kyle's friend Brian took some pictures for us.

"Good job Babe, hopefully we can go to the next race. We love you!"

Rylie's 1st Superbowl party

Rylie went to her first Superbowl party at Auntie Kim's house. Her cousin Jenna lost her very first tooth that day and Auntie Kim accidentally dropped it, so part of the day was spent looking for Jenna's tooth hahahahaha

"Toothless Jenna!"
Everyone looking for Jenna's tooth!!!
Rylie & her Daddy watching the Superbowl
"Thanks Kim & JT for another great party"

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Dad's surgery

My Dad had his surgery this morning and everything went very well. I talked to him tonight and he seemed in good spirits, still as funny as ever! He should get to go home on Wednesday.
"Thank you for all the love & prayers!"

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Dad...

Christmas Eve 2009

On December 18th we found out my Dad has prostate cancer. This Monday, February 8th he is going in for surgery. Whether you believe in the power of prayer or just wishful, positive thinking please take a minute to pray/think about my Dad this weekend. This is the first time he has ever had surgery so I know he must be scared out of his mind. I am very close to my Dad and it just kills me that I can't be there with him (he lives in Washington).

" We love you Dad!!!"