Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sleeping Beauty!

One night last week Rylie slept 13 hours!!! I kept checking on her to make sure she was okay because she had never slept that long before. I couldn't believe it, 13 hours, WOW! All week last week she slept like a champ, anywhere from 6 to 13 hours. She did have one night that she woke up every 4 hours to eat (which is her norm). I'm hoping this "sleeping through the night" thing lasts, although I wish she'd go to sleep later, she usually falls asleep around 6pm and is up at 2 or 3am ( but I'm not going to complain, I just have to learn go to bed earlier). Last night she did get up at midnight, 4am and 8 am so maybe last week was just a fluke. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

1 comment:

Lashelle said...

Wow Julie!! 13 hours is a looong stretch!! I was lucky if mine stayed asleep for 3 hrs at night when they were that little. I was feeding them like every two hours it seemed like forever!! Good for her and good for you!!