Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rylie's gymnastics

I wasn't going to put Rylie back in gymnastics because she didn't really seem that into last spring. But she said she really wanted to do it again so I signed her up for another 10 classes. And this time she loves it! She has been doing so good and is excited to go to class every week.
 She really matured over the summer, we've seen such a difference in her. 
Here are a few pictures from one of her classes...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 6 of "school"

Week 6...
Letter: Ff
Number: 6
Theme: "F" is for Frankenstein! (and other Halloween stuff!)
Frankenstein out of a toilet paper roll

F is for Frankenstein!

the pumpkins are made from Rylie's fist and the stems are her finger prints

We love watching "Spookley The Square Pumpkin" around Halloween time, so in honor of Spookley Rylie made this little guy!

This was MY favorite craft she did!

this didn't turn out as good as I had hoped, but it's still cute.

our cooking lesson this week was pancakes, Rylie wanted Mickey Mouse pancakes like how "that man" made when we were camping (her Uncle Eddie lol)

painting her pumpkin

RIP Papa Stew

Kyle's grandfather passed away on October 1, 2013.
 He will be missed...
Papa & Rylie. March 2010

Papa & Brooklyn. November 2012

A day at the park...

Our Halloween Princess!

My Little BUMpkin

I know, I know she's going to kill me when she gets older! LOL... But I couldn't resist!

Week 5 of "school"

Week 5 of our homeschool preschool was a lot of fun. We learned the letter Ee and the number 5. Our theme was kind of an introduction to Fall, we went to the park and gathered leaves for our projects. We read books about the weather getting cooler, leaves changing color and harvesting.

Some of Rylie's work and projects

We made a leaf crown out of the leaves Rylie gathered

leaf puppets hahahaha. Rylie had fun playing with these all week.

Rylie's Fall tree. The trunk and branches are made from her arm & hand, and then she finger painted the falling leaves.

coloring a leaf

gathering leaves

she was so excited to find this BIG leaf!

leaf painting

leaf rubbings. Mommy did most of this, but Rylie liked watching the leaves appear on the paper

Oak Glen

A couple of weeks ago we finally made it up to Oak Glen to go apple picking. But the apple crop was so low this year they were only allowing apple picking on the weekends, and of course we went up on a Wednesday! We still had a nice time though, the weather was perfect! Rylie got to pick some strawberries (which she actually ate!) and got to pick out a pumpkin. Kyle and the girls played for awhile and then we headed home (it was a quick trip, we were all very tired that day).
We ate lunch out on the patio of Apple Annie's and enjoyed the wonderful weather!

Kyle & Brooklyn

Rylie picking strawberries

My babies!

I know what she's thinking..."will this fit in my mouth?" hahahaha

Week 4 of "school"

We had a lot of fun this week with our "D" is for dinosaur theme. Rylie did very well learning & writing her Dd's & 4's. She can do the days of the week by herself now, and has mastered the difference between black & white (we were having a little trouble with those two). She really enjoyed learning about dinosaurs and doing all of the crafts this week. This has been her favorite theme so far...
D is for dinosaur! Rylie made this dinosaur poster with stickers.

I got these dino puzzles from the dollar store, they turned out really cool. Rylie had fun helping me put them together.

growing "baby dinosaurs"

dino feet! She thought this was great!

making a baby dinosaur

We went to the library and checked out some books about dinosaurs

Our purple dinosaur! We did this one together.

Sensory table ("dinosaur habitat")

She had SO much fun playing with this!