Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 5 of "school"

Week 5 of our homeschool preschool was a lot of fun. We learned the letter Ee and the number 5. Our theme was kind of an introduction to Fall, we went to the park and gathered leaves for our projects. We read books about the weather getting cooler, leaves changing color and harvesting.

Some of Rylie's work and projects

We made a leaf crown out of the leaves Rylie gathered

leaf puppets hahahaha. Rylie had fun playing with these all week.

Rylie's Fall tree. The trunk and branches are made from her arm & hand, and then she finger painted the falling leaves.

coloring a leaf

gathering leaves

she was so excited to find this BIG leaf!

leaf painting

leaf rubbings. Mommy did most of this, but Rylie liked watching the leaves appear on the paper

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