Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, February 20, 2009

One down, one to go...

People have been asking me what I've been doing with all my free time since I'm not working right now. Well I've actually been busier now than I ever was when I was working. Like I said in the previous post Kyle and I are re-doing our 2 spare bedrooms. Yesterday we finally finished the first one (one down, one to go!). It's our guest bedroom/office. We painted it the colors of the Arizona Cardinals football team, so Kyle can display his signed jersey and his other Cardinals memorabilia. We haven't moved the desk and computer into the room yet but here's a few pictures to give you a "sneak peak" at all our hard work!

We haven't hung anything yet. This space is actually where the computer desk is going to go

We scrapped the popcorn ceilings, sanded, painted, and put up crown moulding & chair rail

We are both very happy with how this room turned out, can't wait to get started on the next one!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14th

Valentine's Day was a little mellow this year. Instead of getting each other gifts or going somewhere we decided to spend the money on remodeling our two spare bedrooms.

This morning we went over to Kyle's sister & brother-in-laws house to watch the kids so they could go to brunch and a movie. Kyle had to work tonight, so we ordered in Outback last night and enjoyed a yummy dinner at home.

Jenna, Jake & Uncle Kyle spending Valentine's Day together

Kyle surprised me with these beautiful flowers

"We hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day full of love and happiness!"

Fire/Police MX

Kyle participated in the Fire & Police MX race (Feb. 10th & 11th). We headed out Monday afternoon (Feb. 9th) so he could practice on the track. We hit rain the whole way, and once we got to the campsite it started to snow! It was freezing and poor Kyle had to set up the trailer in the icy temperatures. Needless to say he didn't get any practice in that day. We stayed in the trailer, had dinner and watched movies. The next morning was beautiful, until you went outside! There might of been blue skies but it was still very cold ( in the 30's & 40's). The track was horribly muddy. Kyle raced 2 races each day. He took 5th place on the first day and 2nd place on the second day (in his class). He had a lot of fun and met some pretty cool people. I think I would've had a better time if it wasn't so damn cold, I pretty much stayed in the trailer with the dogs the entire time (I'd go watch Kyle race and take some pictures). The second night we were there we decided to get out of the trailer for awhile and go into town to have dinner. We had brought a bunch of movies to keep us entertained, it was too cold to go outside and have a campfire at night.
I am so proud of Kyle! This was the first time he has ever raced MX, and he did great!
"Good job Babe, hopefully it'll be warmer at the next one."

Poor Kyle out in the snow!

See, I told you it was snowing!!!

The day of the first race. Blue skies but very cold!

"my hubby!"

Awwww 777 (we were married July 7, 2007)

the track was very muddy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Brooklyn & Supercross

Today I went to our friends Eric & Heather's daughter's 1st birthday party. I can't believe Brooklyn is already one, I remember going to visit her in Arizona when she was only 8 days old. She is such a gorgeous, happy little girl!
"Happy 1st Birthday Brooklyn Rae!"

The birthday girl!!!

"Princess Brooklyn"
Isn't she a doll?

...and Kyle went to Supercross with the guys at Anaheim Stadium.
While they were sitting in the parking lot before the races he texted me this picture, isn't it cool?
Supercross 2009 - Anaheim Stadium

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Arrrrrr MATEY!

Last night Kyle and I went to the Pirate Dinner Adventure show with our friends Garret & Jessica. We had so much fun! Garret, Jessica and I got picked to do things in the show, which made Jessica's day! The show was fun, the food was good, and I stuck with my diet (no cheating!). Jessica got way better pictures than I did because I took my little camera and not my good one, so if you want to see better pictures check out her blog, I'm sure she'll have them up.

"liquid treasure!"

"Surrender the BOOTY"

"Garret got to be part of the show"

Garret, Jess and I (with some other chick) waiting for instructions
hahahaha here I am trying to get my flag to the top of the ship!
Kyle and I enjoying a night out

Jess & Garret
Garret, Jessica and Kyle (Jess is being a pirate! hahahaha)

Garret & Kyle ( the butt pirate's hahahaha)
"Thanks guys for a fun night, we'll have to do it again soon. Love you!"

Monday, February 2, 2009

The South Beach Diet

Kyle and I started the South Beach diet 2 weeks ago. We're now entering the 2nd phase of the program. I had my second weigh in this morning and I'm proud to say I've lost 9 pounds in 14 days!!! I believe Kyle's lost 13 pounds. I'm so excited, I already feel and look better. We've been doing a lot of walking/jogging too, so that's been helping. The first 2 weeks are the hardest and have the strictest guidelines, but now that we're in phase 2 we have a lot more options. Believe it or not the person that got me into this diet lives thousands of miles away, I wanted to thank her for sticking by me and believing in me. "Thank you Andrea, I love & miss you so much!"
9 down, 11 to go! Wish me luck!!!

Superbowl 2009

Okay the Cadinals didn't win, but we still had a nice day. I'm so lucky Kyle isn't one of these guys that gets pissed off and angry when their team doeswn't win. Instead he was so bummed! I swear it looked like someone ran over his dog, I felt so bad for him. All and all Arizona put up a good fight, it was a great game! Kyle's sister & brother-in-law had a superbowl party, so that's where we spent our day. It was fun, JT bbq'd carne & chicken, the kids had a blast in the bounce house and everyone just kicked back and relxed.

JT bbq'ing

Natalie loved the bounce house

Jake's favorite part of Superbowl was the watermelon!

Aidan - this kid was an angel all day!!!

poor Larry, he played a good game


Superbowl 2009