Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A sick baby & 2 trips to urgent care...

Rylie has been sick for the last week. My Mom & I have made 2 trips to urgent care with her in the last 6 days. She started with a runny nose & congestion, she would get so full of mucus that she would throw up. She's had trouble drinking her bottles because she couldn't breathe. She's also having trouble sleeping because of all the crap in her nose. She would wake up screaming & crying because she was in so much pain. The Dr. said it's probably because she's teething & has a cold. She's been on a 1/2 tsp. of zyrtec a day, tylenol every 4 hours & orajel whenever needed. Plus she sleeps with a humidifier. She seemed to be getting better, and then last night she started coughing soooo bad! She coughed for 4 hours straight. Her little voice is all raspy :( We took her back to urgent care this morning and they gave her a breathing treatment that she's suppose to do every 4-6 hours (on top of all the other stuff she's on). None of us have really gotten any sleep around here lately. Thank goodness my Mom has been in town to help. My poor baby is trying to be so good, when she feels okay & doesn't have any pain she's all smiles! The Dr. couldn't believe how good she was today, she sat so still and let her check all her vitals. Hopefully my little monkey will start to feel better soon. I have to take her back in a week so they can check her again. So far her ears, lungs & chest are all clear, so that's good!!! I'll keep you updated on how she's doing...

"Thanks Mom for all of your help, I really appreciate it!"

1 comment:

Lashelle said...

So sorry to hear that she is not feeling well...the breathing machine always helps my kids...hope she is feeling better soon!