Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

double digits!

Our little monkey is 10 months old today! I can't believe she's going to be a year old in 2 months. Rylie is such a fun & happy baby, she amazes us everyday.

Here are some things that she did or happened from 9 to 10 months...
*She can pick up her food and feed herself (cheerios, yogurt melts, ect...)
*She says "Da Da" and babbles all the time
*She wears 9 months in clothes & size 3 in shoes (I know she has big feet hahaha)
*She had her first cold & her first trip(s) to Urgent Care
*She can walk all over the place holding on to things
*She takes medicine like a good girl
*She'll pretty much eat anything & everything you give her
*She takes baths in the sink now, she's too big for her "baby bath"
*She's learning "NO"
*Still only has 2 teeth but we're hoping another one is on the way (after all the pain she's been in)
*She still loves being outside, playing with her toys, watching her cartoons, playing in sand, car rides, being in water, her walker & jumperoo, and one of her favorite things to do is watching the birds in the backyard (we have bird feeders).
I'm sure I'm missing stuff, she's so active now it's hard to keep track of everything she's doing.

Here's to another fun & exciting month!

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