Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Hubby!

1. Who is your man? Kyle Andrew Sanford - my best friend!

2. How long have you been together? 6 years, married for 1 year (on July 7th)

3.Dated/Engaged/Married? Dated for 4 years, then engaged for 1 year and almost married for 1 year. A total of 6 years together!

4. How old is your man? he'll be 30 on August 7th!!!

5. Who eats more? hahahaha Kyle definitely eats more!

6. Who said "I Love You" first? I think Kyle did, he took me down to the beach to fly kites

7. Who weighs more? Kyle

8. Who sings better? neither of us can sing

9. Who's older? I am by 2 weeks, and he loves to remind me!

10. Who's smarter? depends on what it is

11. Who's temper is worst? hahahaha Mine

12. Who does the laundry? we both do

13. Who does the dishes? we both do

14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? ( if you're standing infront of the bed facing it) I sleep on the right side

15. Who's feet are bigger? Kyle's

16. Who has the longest hair? Me

17. Who's better with the computer? Kyle

18. Who mows the lawn? Kyle

19. Who pays the bills? Kyle does online

20. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Kyle, but we have a joint account

21. Who cooks dinner? when we're both home Kyle usually cooks dinner

22. Whose the most stubborn? I'd say Kyle

23. Who drives when you're together? Kyle, I hate driving

24. Who's parents do you see more? Kyle's parents. My parents live in Washington.

25. Who's the first to admit when they're wrong? both of us are pretty good at admitting when we're wrong.

26. Who kissed who first? I think it was a mutual thing

27. Who asked who out? Kyle asked me out first

28. What did you do on your first date? We went to dinner at The Yard House at the Irvine Spectrum and then we went to Off Campus to go dancing (little did I know he hates to dance hahahahahaha)

29. Who's more sensitive? definitely ME!!!!

30. Who's taller? Kyle, he's 6 foot and I'm only 5'3" hahahahaha

31. Who has more siblings? I do. I have two older brothers and he has one older sister.

32. Who has more friends? I guess he does, but all his friends are my friends so I guess it's pretty even

33. Who makes the important decisions? we make the important decisions together.

34. 6 random things about me...
1. I have webbed toes
2. I hate vegetables
3. I bite my finger nails
4. I get grumpy when I'm hot
5. I love the rain
6. I really believe my main purpose I was put on this earth was to be a mommy

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