Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

back in the hospital...

The evening of Dec. 21st we noticed Rylie wasn't acting herself and she seemed a little warm. She had a hepatitis B shot earlier that day so we thought that was the cause of her fever. The next morning her fever had gone up so we decided to take her the the ER at St. Joseph/CHOC. They ran all kinds of tests (even did a spinal tap) and couldn't really find anything wrong, but because of her weight and age they had to admit her to CHOC for observation. So we spent the next couple of days in the hospital with our little angel. (mind you we had a house full of visitors because of the holidays) Luckily we were able to go home Christmas Eve afternoon! They never found anything wrong with Rylie, all her tests came back clear (I still think it was a reaction to the hep B shot )

Daddy & Rylie in the hospital

my sick baby

Sunday, December 27, 2009

more pictures...

Here's a few more pictures from the photographer...enjoy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rylie's 1st photo shoot!!!

I took Rylie to get her Christmas and newborn pictures done by this amazing photographer last Friday. Here's just a sneak peak of some of the pictures she took...

hahahaha gotta love this one!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Baby Shower

My original baby shower was suppose to be on November 14th but since I was in the hospital my sister-in-law Kim had to reschedule it ("Thanks Kim!"). So last Saturday I finally got to have my shower, as always Kim made it very special! We played games, ate great food and opened tons of presents. Kyle brought Rylie towards the end of the shower so people could see her. Here's some pictures of the wonderful day we all had...

"Thank you Kim from the bottom of my heart! I am so blessed to have such an amazing sister-in-law. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into my shower."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kyle's Baby Shower

Kyle's work threw us a baby shower in October, I couldn't go because I was in the hospital. They got us our stroller/car seat system and a bath tub full of goodies! We also got other presents from his friends at work. I was so sad I had to miss it but I know Kyle had fun.
"Thanks Patty & Michelle for throwing the shower, we really appreciate it!"

Michelle, Kyle & Patty

Sunday, December 6, 2009

diaper cake

My sister-in-law Tracy made me this amazing diaper cake. When I'm ready to use the diapers I can use the rest of the pieces to make Rylie's scrapbook. There is so much detail to this cake, the pictures don't do it justice.
Isn't it adorable?!?!

"Thanks Tracy, I love it!!!"

Monday, November 30, 2009

This is what happened...

On October 15, 2009 at 5am my water ruptured @ 30 weeks pregnant. I drove myself into Orange County to the hospital to get checked out. After they ran some tests they told me I wouldn't be leaving the hospital until the baby is born. They gave me a couple of steroid shots to help mature the baby's lungs, I wouldn't be going past 34 weeks. At about 2 weeks into my stay they discovered I had velamentous insertion (Normally, blood vessels run from the placenta via the umbilical cord to the baby. Velamentous insertion means that these veins travel across the amniotic membranes before they come together into the umbilical cord. Velamentous insertion happens in 1-2% of all pregnancies), because of the velamentous insertion they would have to delivery me via c-section (they didn't want me to go into labor). I had ultrasounds & blood taken almost daily, I also had to take many medications every day. As much as I hated being in the hospital (and almost lost my mind on numerous occasions) I made friendships with some of the nurses, one inparticular, her name is Nicole. She is the one who kept me going on my bad days, she always reminded me why I was in there, and that all of it would be worth it in the end. She took very good care of me and made me feel very comfortable.
"I couldn't of done it without you Nicole, thank you!"
After being in the hospital for 28 days they preformed a c-section. The morning of the surgery I was very, very nervous! I've never really been in an operating room before and I was very scared something was going to happen to the baby (only being 34 weeks pregnant). Kyle, his Mom and his sister were all there that morning as I went into the OR. Once they got me prepped they allowed Kyle into the operating room. As you can imagine I was very emotional. Once they got the baby out and said "IT'S A GIRL" I got to hear her cry! I've been waiting a long time to hear that cry. They let me see her for a few seconds, kiss her and then they wisked her off to CHOC (Children's Hospital of Orange County). Kyle went with her.
Once in recovery I was joined by my Aunt Maggie, Uncle Sergio, cousin Michael, Kyle's Mom and Kyle's sister. They kept me company for the rest of the day. Kyle got to come see me a few hours later. We were both so excited that the baby was doing great and she didn't need any oxygen, her lungs were functioning wonderfully thanks to that steroid I took when I first got admitted. I would have to wait 33 hours until I got to see my daughter again (thanks to the stupid nurses in post pardum). That first time seeing her over at CHOC was amazing! Yes she was hooked up to IV's and monitors but she was alive & healthy!!!
After 31 days in the hospital on bed rest I would finally get to go home! And 9 1/2 days later I would get to bring my baby home, it was a long road but well worth it...
I know I'm missing bits and pieces of this story but I'm trying to put it all behind me now, I know some of you have requested to hear what happened so I gave you the short version. Again I want to thank everyone who came to visit me while I was in the hospital, you have no idea how much it meant to me. And to everyone else who e-mailed, called, sent cards & flowers, and texted me, "thank you" those things kept me going too. I am very blessed...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

She's home!!!

Just a quick update... We got to bring Rylie home on Friday November 20th. She is doing very well, we are so happy to have her home with us. I promise to post more pictures and write a long blog about our journey very soon!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

a few more pics...

Here's some pictures of Rylie from our visit today...

Introducing Rylie Makena Sanford!

Our little angel is here!!!
Rylie Makena Sanford
11/11/09 @ 12:15pm
4lb. 3oz. 17in.

Rylie is still in the hospital, hopefully we'll get to bring her home soon. Thanks for all the love, support & prayers!

much, much, more to come...

Friday, November 6, 2009

5 more days!!!

I am 33 weeks a 2 days pregnant today! I found out this morning that my c-section is scheduled for Wednesday November 11th at 3:30pm, only 5 more days to go!! I'm getting very excited but nervous at the same time. After having the baby I will have to stay in the hospital for another few days then I will finally get to go home, I will have been in the hospital for 31 days!!! I can't believe this journey is almost over, and another one will begin. I can't wait until the baby and I are both home safe & sound. Thanks again for all of your love & support! The phone calls, visitors, text messages and e-mails have truly kept me going.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

2 weeks and counting...

As of yesterday I am 32 weeks pregnant, they are going to deliver the baby at 34 weeks via c-section. I can't believe I've been in the hospital for two weeks now, it's getting harder and harder just to sit here. I finally got to go outside yesterday for 15 minutes after being stuck inside for 14 days, it felt so good to feel the sun on my face! They did an in depth ultrasound this morning and the baby is approx. 3 pounds 15 ounces, which is really good. Hopefully by the time I deliver the baby will be well over 4 pounds.

It's amazing to think I've been in the hospital for 2 weeks already (giving the baby time to grow) but it's soooo hard to think that I have at least 2 more to go!!!

Have I mentioned how incredible Kyle as been?!?! He's been running back and forth from Riverside to Orange taking care of the dogs, working and taking care of me. I'm sooooo lucky to have such a wonderful husband! "Thanks Babe!"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

31 weeks!!!

So we hit a big milestone yesterday, 31 weeks!!! It's day eight of me being in the hospital and I'm getting a little restless, but reaching 31 weeks yesterday is well worth sitting in this hospital bed everyday. I pretty much have an ultrasound and blood drawn on a daily basis, it's nice now being able to get out of bed to shower and use the restroom. I wouldn't be able to survive without all of my visitors, phone calls and text messages-"Thanks Guys!". I know my blog entries haven't been very "in depth" but I do what I can, I haven't really been in the mood to read & write lately. I'll do another update in a few days... Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baby update...

Thursday morning I started leaking fluid so I called the Doctor and they sent me to labor & delivery to have my fluid checked. To make a very long story short they admitted me and said I won't be going home until the baby is born. My water had ruptured and my fluid levels were low. They won't let me go past 34 weeks, but most likely the baby will be here way before then. I'm 30 weeks and 3 days today, the baby is approx. 3 1/2 to 4lbs right now. All the Dr.'s are very optimistic that a 4 pound baby will do just fine, they have given me steroids to help develop the baby's lungs. I'm on tons of medicines and complete bed rest.
I want to thank everyone that has come by to visit and for all the gorgeous flowers, you have no idea what it means to me.
Oh and I have to mention how great Kyle has been, I couldn't do this without him. He is such a trooper driving back and forth from Orange County to Riverside to take care of all the animals (whom I miss so much!).
I'm getting a little sleepy so that's it for now, I'll write more later...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fire /Police Moto Oct. 5th & 6th

Kyle did another fire/police moto race on Monday & Tuesday, we took the trailer and camped overnight at Glen Helen raceway. This race was extra special, it was in honor of Ted Hall, one of the firefighters killed in the Station fire back in August. On Monday all of Ted Hall's family & friends were there and everyone did a memorial lap in his honor.
It was nice to get out of the house for a couple of days. The weather was perfect. Kyle took 3rd place on Monday. He was having problems with his bike on Tuesday so he didn't do as good as he had hoped :( Overall he had fun, and that's all that matters!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

29 weeks!

Okay so my due has changed yet again! They are now saying that I'm due December 23rd. So I am 29 weeks today, only 11 more to go (that's if they don't change my due date again!). I'm feeling pretty good most of the time, I still have my "not so good" moments. I have trouble getting comfortable at night, and sleeping has become somewhat of an adventure. We got the results back from our last ultrasound today, everything looks great and the baby seems to be doing good. I finally caved and went and bought some maternity clothes, who knew they had such cute stuff! So far I have gained 17 pounds, I don't know if that's good or bad so if it's bad don't tell me hahahaha. Here's an updated picture of my baby belly...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Updated baby picture...

I had another ultrasound done on 9/25. My Mom keeps asking me to post a couple of pictures, so here you go! The baby kept sucking it's thumb, it was so cute.I have a lot more pictures but these were the ones I had downloaded to my computer. Enjoy!

"It won't be long now until we get to meet you!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Baby bump"

6 1/2 months pregnant


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

6 1/2 months pregnant!

I can't believe I'm in double digits, appox. 95 days to go! I've been feeling a lot better lately and the baby moves like crazy!! Clothes are definitely tighter, the extra weight is harder to carry around and emptying my bladder has become more frequent. I'm getting my appetite back, I'm not so picky about what sounds good to eat. I didn't have my ultrasound done on the 1st because I had jury duty, we had to reschedule it for the 15th so as soon as I know a more accurate due date I'll be sure to post it on the blog.

from babycenter.com:
How your baby's growing:
The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good news!!!

We got the final results back on my amnio today, everything came back normal and the baby looks great! Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Only 15 weeks to go!

It's hard to believe that I'm 4 to 6 weeks further a long than my doctor thought I was (if you don't know what I'm talking about read the previous post). It's amazing to me that I'm already 6 months pregnant, only 15 more weeks to go! My due date went from January 13th to somewhere around December 11th (I'll have a more accurate date once I have my next ultrasound on Tuesday). I'm still in shock that we're going to have a new baby by Christmas, what a special & memorable Christmas it'll be! Pregnancy still isn't agreeing with me but after everything we've been through it's the last thing on my mind. Kyle's been online ordering stuff for the nursery, once it's finished I'll be sure to post some pictures. The baby has been moving a lot, especially after I eat or drink something. My belly is slowly getting bigger, when I wear a tight top you can now tell I'm pregnant. I'll try and post a picture soon of the baby belly (since people keep asking :) ).

from babycenter.com:
How your baby's growing ...
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The worst 4 days of my life!!!!

I haven't blogged in a while. Well theres been a reason. On August 13th I had my quad screening test done on the baby which checks for any abnormalities, such as spina bifida, down syndrome, ect... On Tuesday August 18th I got a call from my Dr.'s office saying that my test came back positive and I have to go see a genetics counselor. Kyle & I made an appointment for Friday and went down and spoke to the counselor, she told us our test came back kinda high for spina bifida and that she wanted me to have a level 2 ultrasound (which would actually be my first ultrasound!). I was a complete mess! I don't know what I would've done without Kyle. I couldn't stop crying. So after waiting a little over an hour I finally had an ultrasound, what a bittersweet moment. I was finally getting to see my baby for the first time but I also had the worry that something might be wrong. After the ultrasound we had to wait another 40 minutes for the genetics doctor to look over the pictures of the baby. We finally got a call (while waiting in the hospital) that the baby did not have spina bifida, but the lady continued to say that the baby's arms & legs looked a little short for how far along I was. OH and that I was 24 weeks pregnant not 18 like my doctor thought I was!!! Short arms & legs are a sign of down syndrome, so now they are thinking that the baby might have Downs. But they couldn't be sure if the baby just had a big head (which runs in the family) or if the arms & legs are in fact behind schedule. The only way to find out for sure was to have an amnio, and if I wanted to have an amnio that day I had to do it ASAP because the doctor was leaving. So in 2 minutes I had to decide to have a long ass needle stuck in my belly. And I did. It really wasn't painful, just a long procedure and pretty uncomfortable. Mind you I'm still a complete mess. Oh, it gets better... since the amnio was done on a Friday afternoon we would have to wait until Monday for the preliminary results (which are 96% accurate) and 10 days for the final results (which are 100%). Needless to say Kyle and I (and most of our friends & family) had the weekend from hell, I've never been so scared in my life! I seriously don't know what I would've done without Kyle. So... Monday comes and by noon theres no phone call, I call and leave a message. Three O'clock, still no phone call. I call back. Finally the counselor calls at about 3:30 and says our results aren't done yet and they might not be done until Tuesday morning. She says she's going to wait until 5:00 and if she hears anything she'll call us (this woman was amazing!). About 4:45 the phone rings, I start panicking, the woman's voice on the other end proceeds to tell me that everything looks good and the results came back normal!!!!!! The wait of the world has been lifted from our shoulders! I can't even tell you how happy & relieved we were, are prayers had been answered!
So now instead of having a January 2010 baby we are going to have a baby before Christmas! I can't begin to thank everyone for their thoughts & prayers, we are very lucky to have such wonderful friends & family-we love you guys!

Congratulations Kris & Melissa!

One of Kyle's best friends & his wife had their first baby last Sunday! We went to the hospital yesterday to visit them, she is one of the cutest, tiniest babies I've ever seen!! She only weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces, they named her Kendall Rae Block. These pictures don't do her justice, she is absolutely gorgeous (just like her Mommy!).
"Welcome to the world baby girl, we love you!"

Kendall & her Mommy

Kendall & her Daddy

Kyle and Kendall (I love the smile on Kyle's face!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pismo 2009

Every summer Kyle and I take and annual camping trip to Pismo Beach to go riding. This year was a little bittersweet for me since I couldn't ride. It was nice getting out of the 100 degree weather and actually having to wear a jacket. As always the dogs had a great time!

Levi loves to go camping!

we had shaved Diesel a few weeks before Pismo so he really felt the cold!

everyone dug this huge pit to sit in to block the camp fire from the wind
Madison & Kaitlyn having fun digging in the sand
the beautiful Pismo sunsets!

We had a good time but it's nice to be home...

I'm almost half way there!

I'm at 18 weeks, only 2 more weeks at I'll be at the half way point! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping they're going to do an ultrasound. I've had some lower abdominal pain this week, some of the books said it's normal due to the changes my body is going through. I'll make sure and mention it at my appointment tomorrow. Kyle and I went to Pismo last week for 5 days, it was really nice getting some fresh air, it kept my mind off of how crappy I was feeling. Well I'll make sure and let you know how the doctor's appointment goes tomorrow...

How your baby's growing:
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.