Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm almost half way there!

I'm at 18 weeks, only 2 more weeks at I'll be at the half way point! I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'm hoping they're going to do an ultrasound. I've had some lower abdominal pain this week, some of the books said it's normal due to the changes my body is going through. I'll make sure and mention it at my appointment tomorrow. Kyle and I went to Pismo last week for 5 days, it was really nice getting some fresh air, it kept my mind off of how crappy I was feeling. Well I'll make sure and let you know how the doctor's appointment goes tomorrow...

How your baby's growing:
Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

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