Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The worst 4 days of my life!!!!

I haven't blogged in a while. Well theres been a reason. On August 13th I had my quad screening test done on the baby which checks for any abnormalities, such as spina bifida, down syndrome, ect... On Tuesday August 18th I got a call from my Dr.'s office saying that my test came back positive and I have to go see a genetics counselor. Kyle & I made an appointment for Friday and went down and spoke to the counselor, she told us our test came back kinda high for spina bifida and that she wanted me to have a level 2 ultrasound (which would actually be my first ultrasound!). I was a complete mess! I don't know what I would've done without Kyle. I couldn't stop crying. So after waiting a little over an hour I finally had an ultrasound, what a bittersweet moment. I was finally getting to see my baby for the first time but I also had the worry that something might be wrong. After the ultrasound we had to wait another 40 minutes for the genetics doctor to look over the pictures of the baby. We finally got a call (while waiting in the hospital) that the baby did not have spina bifida, but the lady continued to say that the baby's arms & legs looked a little short for how far along I was. OH and that I was 24 weeks pregnant not 18 like my doctor thought I was!!! Short arms & legs are a sign of down syndrome, so now they are thinking that the baby might have Downs. But they couldn't be sure if the baby just had a big head (which runs in the family) or if the arms & legs are in fact behind schedule. The only way to find out for sure was to have an amnio, and if I wanted to have an amnio that day I had to do it ASAP because the doctor was leaving. So in 2 minutes I had to decide to have a long ass needle stuck in my belly. And I did. It really wasn't painful, just a long procedure and pretty uncomfortable. Mind you I'm still a complete mess. Oh, it gets better... since the amnio was done on a Friday afternoon we would have to wait until Monday for the preliminary results (which are 96% accurate) and 10 days for the final results (which are 100%). Needless to say Kyle and I (and most of our friends & family) had the weekend from hell, I've never been so scared in my life! I seriously don't know what I would've done without Kyle. So... Monday comes and by noon theres no phone call, I call and leave a message. Three O'clock, still no phone call. I call back. Finally the counselor calls at about 3:30 and says our results aren't done yet and they might not be done until Tuesday morning. She says she's going to wait until 5:00 and if she hears anything she'll call us (this woman was amazing!). About 4:45 the phone rings, I start panicking, the woman's voice on the other end proceeds to tell me that everything looks good and the results came back normal!!!!!! The wait of the world has been lifted from our shoulders! I can't even tell you how happy & relieved we were, are prayers had been answered!
So now instead of having a January 2010 baby we are going to have a baby before Christmas! I can't begin to thank everyone for their thoughts & prayers, we are very lucky to have such wonderful friends & family-we love you guys!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love you too Julie. So glad that things are better for you now.