Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, August 3, 2012

HB with Avery

My cousin Josh, his wife Shawna & their daughter Avery came down from Oregon to visit. Rylie & I met them down in Huntington Beach one day. They were setting up for the U.S. Open so it was really busy, but we still had a nice time. Rylie did SO good sharing her sand toys with her cousin Avery (we're still learning to share), I was so proud of her!
It was really nice to see our cousins, we miss them very much and always love spending time with them!

enjoying an ice cream cone on the pier

Shawna, Josh & Avery

Rylie in her new "kini" aka bikini :)

building sand castles with cousin Josh

playing in the sand with Avery

*I ended the day with a trip to the hospital. Feeling a lot of discomfort, soreness, ect... (since I had complications with my 1st pregnancy they wanted me to be checked out). After 4 hours they sent me home. I'm resting a lot & trying to stay off my feet as much as possible. Ahhh the joys of pregnancy. I'm 25 1/2 weeks, only 3 more months to go!


ashley.84 said...

That looks like a super fun day! I can't believe how big the girls are getting to be!! Also, I am very thankful that everything at the doctor's office turned out to be somewhat okay for you (besides your pain :[ ) Love you!

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun! I wanna go to the beach! I'm jealous!
LOL Hailey calls her bikini a "kini" too... that or her "baby suit" as in bathing suit. =)