Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, November 3, 2008

"a walk in the park" (literally)

Everyday on my way to and from work I pass this big park (Yorba Regional Park for you "locals"), the last couple of months it has looked so beautiful with all the changing leaves. Everyday I say to myself "I'm going to bring my camera and stop & take pictures one of these days", well last Friday (Halloween to be exact) I brought my camera to work and went over there on my lunch and took a walk. It was so quiet & peaceful! I know some of you live out of state and get to enjoy far more beautiful fall colors than us living in Southern California could ever imagine! but this park in the middle of a big city is as close as I'm going to get to Autumn. Oh and these pictures don't do the colors justice, I had to pick the only day it was kinda overcast so the lighting wasn't the greatest when I took these, but it really is beautiful there.

oh and look at this little guy I ran into, he was enjoying the park all to himself

I so need to move to the country!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I am jealous! I wish I could walk through a park and take pictures! Great shots!