Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, November 24, 2008

I am thankful for...

I got this idea from my friend Amanda's blog (hope you don't mind Amanda).
Thanksgiving is only a few days away, I thought I'd take a moment and reflect on some of the things I'm thankful for...
Although I am away for my side of the family this Thanksgiving holiday I am very thankful for being able to spend it with Kyle's family~I am thankful for both of our families and for all of our great friends~ our health & happiness~ for having a beautiful home and a warm bed to lay my head on every night~for having food on our table and clothes on our backs~of course I am thankful for our "furry children" Cooper, Levi & Diesel~ my sensitive personality, I used to think it was a bad thing but I realize now how blessed I am to be so sensitive, empathic and understanding~for this amazing country we live in & for our freedom~ for Kyle & I both having jobs and income, I know in today's society this is a very important thing~for the life I've been given and opportunities I've had~ for an amazing husband that understands me being away from him every Christmas to spend it with my Mom & Dad~ for all of our nieces & nephews and hopefully being a role model for them~ for wonderful parents~for my faith and beliefs~ for my dear friend Pam~ for lifelong friendships (you know who you are)~ for being my Mom's best friend~for being the person I am~ for my camera & the memories it captures~for a wonderful & memorable 2008~ The list could go on and on, I am truly blessed! I hope everyone can take some time this week and think about all the things they are thankful for. And I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Be safe & eat lots of turkey!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Don't mind at all...we are all thankful! I'm thankful for your friendship Julie! Have a great Thanksgiving!