Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amy's Baby Shower

My friend Becky & I threw our friend Amy a baby shower last Sunday (11/16/08). Becky, Amy and I have been friends since we were 4 years old. Both Becky & Amy are currently pregnant and are due about 5 weeks apart. Like I've mentioned in previous posts, Becky is having a little boy and Amy is having a little girl, I'm so excited to meet these precious babies! Hopefully I'm next to get pregnant, then our kids can grow up together just like the three of us did. We had Amy's shower at BJ's Restaurant in Irvine. Amy got a lot of nice things for the baby and had a great time. I even surprised her by inviting an old friend she hadn't seen in years.

Amy's big surprise!
Her friend Cara, who she hasn't seen in many years was able to come to the shower

Amy opening her presents for the baby...

"We all love you Amy, can't wait to meet your little princess!"

"Mommy & Daddy-To-Be"

Amy and her son Bradley. He's going to be a great big brother!


Amanda said...

I'm so glad you posted pictures. I was really nice to see everyone, especially Cara. That wasn't a "small" shower. How exciting!

Anonymous said...

DUDE i cannot believe how big bradley is. i remember us taking him trick or treating when he was way small....crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! haha remember when he would always start crying when grandpa was in the room when you would babysit him?? lol i doooo...

Amy said...

I want to thank you guys so much for my shower. I loved it all, everything from the decorations to the cake it was perfect. Oh and everybody who came to celebrate and show support, Thank You. I am truly blessed to have friends like you in my life. I love you all.