Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This is our niece Jenna, if you've ever had the chance to meet her you will know that she is quite the character, she's 4 1/2 going on 18. For the last two years Jenna has called Thanksgiving "Hop Skipping", now that she will be 5 years old this coming year I'm sure this will soon fade. She's growing up so fast and very smart for her age. I remember her asking her Mom last year "Is it Happy Hop Skipping yet?", these are the things I will miss the most as she grows up. So tomorrow when you're all sitting around the Thanksgiving table remembering what you are thankful for, remember the joy & innocence of your children, they won't be little forever.
..."Happy Hop Skipping" everyone!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I am thankful for...

I got this idea from my friend Amanda's blog (hope you don't mind Amanda).
Thanksgiving is only a few days away, I thought I'd take a moment and reflect on some of the things I'm thankful for...
Although I am away for my side of the family this Thanksgiving holiday I am very thankful for being able to spend it with Kyle's family~I am thankful for both of our families and for all of our great friends~ our health & happiness~ for having a beautiful home and a warm bed to lay my head on every night~for having food on our table and clothes on our backs~of course I am thankful for our "furry children" Cooper, Levi & Diesel~ my sensitive personality, I used to think it was a bad thing but I realize now how blessed I am to be so sensitive, empathic and understanding~for this amazing country we live in & for our freedom~ for Kyle & I both having jobs and income, I know in today's society this is a very important thing~for the life I've been given and opportunities I've had~ for an amazing husband that understands me being away from him every Christmas to spend it with my Mom & Dad~ for all of our nieces & nephews and hopefully being a role model for them~ for wonderful parents~for my faith and beliefs~ for my dear friend Pam~ for lifelong friendships (you know who you are)~ for being my Mom's best friend~for being the person I am~ for my camera & the memories it captures~for a wonderful & memorable 2008~ The list could go on and on, I am truly blessed! I hope everyone can take some time this week and think about all the things they are thankful for. And I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Be safe & eat lots of turkey!!!

Trace & Alan Concert

Last night Kyle & I went to the Trace Adkins/Alan Jackson concert at the new Citizens Arena in Ontario with some friends. We had a really good time. We've seen both of them in concert before, and both times they've been awesome! Alan Jackson's songs are so personal, I really enjoy watching him preform. A fun evening, with good people and amazing entertainment!

"me & my hubby"
tailgating before the concert...
"no we weren't drunk, just having fun" - Vicki & Julie
Trace Adkins...
Alan Jackson...

We missed you Jessica!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amy's Baby Shower

My friend Becky & I threw our friend Amy a baby shower last Sunday (11/16/08). Becky, Amy and I have been friends since we were 4 years old. Both Becky & Amy are currently pregnant and are due about 5 weeks apart. Like I've mentioned in previous posts, Becky is having a little boy and Amy is having a little girl, I'm so excited to meet these precious babies! Hopefully I'm next to get pregnant, then our kids can grow up together just like the three of us did. We had Amy's shower at BJ's Restaurant in Irvine. Amy got a lot of nice things for the baby and had a great time. I even surprised her by inviting an old friend she hadn't seen in years.

Amy's big surprise!
Her friend Cara, who she hasn't seen in many years was able to come to the shower

Amy opening her presents for the baby...

"We all love you Amy, can't wait to meet your little princess!"

"Mommy & Daddy-To-Be"

Amy and her son Bradley. He's going to be a great big brother!

"Guy's" Riding Trip

Every year during riding season (which is usually October-April) Kyle and his friends do a "guy's" camping/riding trip once a month or so. Kyle works for the fire dept. and all his friends work for the police dept. so they usually have days off during the week and that's when they go on their riding trips. Last week Kyle, Cory, Mark, Ramy and Dark Mark went to Ocotillo for 3 days, the first "guy's" trip of the season. I must be rubbing off on my husband because he actually took a few pictures!

Ocotillo - November 2008

Of course Levi gets to go on the "guys" trip too, he usually just digs himself a hole and sleeps most of the time.

Look at this ginormous tarantula they saw!

"The Guys"

Kyle & I are going riding over Thanksgiving break, I can't wait to get on my bike!

Monday, November 17, 2008

A sad day for So Cal

For those of you that don't know what was going on here in Southern California over the weekend we had terrible fires! We've listened to the news all weekend, saw the images on TV, but nothing prepared me for the drive into work this morning. It literally brought tears to my eyes. It was devastating! There were fires in Yorba Linda, Sylmar, Brea, Diamond Bar & Anaheim Hills (just to name a few). So many people lost everything! Thankfully it doesn't look like we had any loss of life, everyone seems to have evacuated safely. A special "thank you" to all of our firefighters, police officers and everyone else who has been a part of these horrible fires. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time, your bravery, your effort & your compassion.

Monday, November 10, 2008

a "GRAND" weekend

Kyle & I went to the Grand Canyon over the weekend, this was both of our first times ever seeing it. What an amazing sight, now I understand why the call it one of the wonders of the world! I will never forget the feeling I felt seeing the Grand Canyon for the very first time. It literally took my breath away! Our weekend started off on Friday morning, the 5 1/2 hour car ride wasn't bad at all (no traffic!). Once we got to Williams and checked into our hotel we headed to Flagstaff to look for Arizona Cardinal stuff for Kyle, we also had a really nice dinner in Flagstaff. Saturday morning we woke up bright and early, had breakfast, and headed for the train depot where we took a 2 hour and 15 minute train ride to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. We had 3 hours to spend at the Canyon before we had to catch our train back to Williams. Kyle and I walked for the entire 3 hours, we didn't want to miss a thing! and although our feet were killing us we were so glad we did it. Once we got back to Williams we had another great dinner, walked around looking at the the Christmas decorations and then went back to our hotel. We headed home first thing Sunday morning, hit a lot of wind and rain, but got home at a decent hour so we could rest from our wonderful weekend together!

Here are some of the pictures from our weekend...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The line up for Stagecoach 2009!

The line up for Stagecoach 2009 came out this morning. We are very excited! Kenny Chesney is my absolute favorite and he's going to be there! And so is Reba McIntyre, who I've always wanted to see live. Let's just hope Kyle & I can get tickets. We had so much fun at Stagecoach 2008, it was 3 days of fun, food, friends and a whole lot of country music! Can't wait for another great weekend!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Awww look what I found...

I was looking through some old pictures and came across our engagement pictures. They were taken two years ago but I thought I'd post them on our blog just for the heck of it. Our photographer took over a hundred pictures that day, here's just a few...enjoy!

I used the crap out of these pictures (excuse my language hahahaha). I used one of these on my save-the-date magnets, they were also used on our wedding invitations and now many of them hang in frames in our home. I think they turned out good and I love them, so why not use them as much as I could.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day 2008

Don't forget to get out there and vote today! Your vote matters, if you don't vote you can't complain. I know this election is hard on most of us, if you're anything like me you wish we could have 2 new candidates to choose from. Please vote, let your voices & opinions be heard. We are truly lucky to live in such a great country, don't ever forget that!

Monday, November 3, 2008

"Buddy Walk" - Down Syndrome Association of Orange County

All for this little guy!

Yesterday I was honored to be a part of the Down Syndrome Association's Buddy Walk 2008. It took place at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, CA. from 9am-2pm. What a humbling experience. Some of you might of read previous posts about my friend Tana, her & I have been friends for years. Last May Tana had her second child, a little boy named Ace, Ace was born with Down Syndrome. Last year Tana & I did the Susan G. Koman breast Cancer walk/run, this year we thought it would be appropriate to raise money for a cause that hit a little closer to home so we decided to "Buddy Walk" in honor of ACE!!!! This was our first year being part of the DSAOC Buddy Walk, but definitely not our last! Our team as a whole raised $1700.00 dollars!

I would personally like to thank Heather Saeman, Karen Sanford, Gail Brenner, Heather Albright, Cindy Dahlquist, Pam Seiersen, Donna Johnson, Kathy Block, Leslie & Lee Bonifay for their pledges. I can't express to each of you how much your donations mean to me, your generosity is definitely heart felt.

Angel Stadium

"I love this face!"

"Team Ace" is at the top of the list (can you see it?)

The begining of the walk (GO TEAM ACE!!!!)

Ace's big sister Alexa

Tana and the cool banner she made for "Team Ace"

Ace and his Mommy

"a walk in the park" (literally)

Everyday on my way to and from work I pass this big park (Yorba Regional Park for you "locals"), the last couple of months it has looked so beautiful with all the changing leaves. Everyday I say to myself "I'm going to bring my camera and stop & take pictures one of these days", well last Friday (Halloween to be exact) I brought my camera to work and went over there on my lunch and took a walk. It was so quiet & peaceful! I know some of you live out of state and get to enjoy far more beautiful fall colors than us living in Southern California could ever imagine! but this park in the middle of a big city is as close as I'm going to get to Autumn. Oh and these pictures don't do the colors justice, I had to pick the only day it was kinda overcast so the lighting wasn't the greatest when I took these, but it really is beautiful there.

oh and look at this little guy I ran into, he was enjoying the park all to himself

I so need to move to the country!

rain, rain, DON'T go away!

Well Southern California finally got a little rain, and when I say "little" I mean LITTLE! but something is better than nothing right?!?! I love when it rains so I happily welcome it, and So Cal really needs some rain!!!

Halloween Eve...

So the night before Halloween Kyle had to work (he actually had to work Halloween too), I carved the pumpkin and toasted the pumpkin seeds with the company of Levi, Diesel and Cooper. I never "skip" doing the fun, festive stuff just because I'm by myself, like I've mentioned before - I love this time of year!

Mmmmm...toasted pumpkin seeds!

We do have one of those "pumpkin carving kits" that you trace the cool pictures on, but I love a traditional "cheesy" jack-o-lantern