My Mom is really into making jewelry, last June when we were in Oregon for my nieces graduation she taught me how to make bracelets. I've always wanted to be "crafty" but the only thing I ever really got into was scrapbooking (and I'm not even very good at that). A few years back I got into doing those "no sew" fleece blankets which was fun, but that faded after awhile. It's hard because my Mom makes jewelry, embroiders, ect... and my Mother-In-Law is this incredible quilter (and both cook and bake really good too!), and then theres me who doesn't even cook never mind make things. So I've decided that no matter how "easy" or "small" my creativeness might be I'm going to start being a little more "crafty". I'm going to start making my "no sew" fleece blankets again, maybe start making jewelry, and continue to get better at scrapbooking, I might even start to cook!
here's a couple of bracelets my Mom has made...

and here's the bracelets I made...

1 comment:
Julie, I love making jewelry! I did it a lot before my kid's were born, but now little beads are choking hazzards. Maybe in a year Monica will stop putting things in her mouth.
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