Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Rylie's new hobby this summer is puzzles. She can do 24-25 piece puzzles all by herself, I think that's pretty good for a 2 1/2 year old! Daddy has been buying her a new puzzle about once a week. She's getting so good at them, I guess I'm going to have to find harder ones. She's also enjoyed painting with water colors, stickers, coloring with markers, riding her bike, bubbles, side walk chalk & playing in her pool. We've had a pretty mellow summer, Kyle has been working A LOT and I haven't felt very good. All in all I think Rylie has still had a fun summer. We are ready for all the exciting things Fall will bring!

I took these pictures with my phone camera so they're not the best quality. She's done the Mickey Mouse puzzle so many times that it's worn out.

Monday, August 27, 2012

29 weeks and counting!

I am 29 weeks pregnant and in my 3rd trimester, won't be long now until we get to meet the newest member of our family. I have another ultrasound on Thursday to check on my partial placenta previa, we're hoping it has corrected itself. I had a doctor appointment last week and I've gained 27 pounds! I am going to be huge by the time I deliver this baby hahahaha. The day I had Rylie I had only gained 13 pounds (it was 17lbs. but I lost weight while in the hospital). Doctor said everything looks good and the baby's heart beat was strong. I'm not going to lie, I am very uncomfortable and can't wait until my doctor gives me a date for my c-section. I won't go into detail with everything I'm experiencing, but I am not a good pregnant person hahaha, the only part of pregnancy that I love is feeling her kick & move.

We have a lot to do before princess #2 arrives. My parents are coming into town when the baby is born and will be staying with us until Christmas. It's going to be so nice having them here, Rylie is excited that Grandma, Grandpa, Annie & Bliss (their 2 dogs) are going to be staying at her house :) She already has big plans for them hahahaha tea parties, the park, ect...
Well that's it for now. I wish I could post some pictures of Little Miss Rylie but my camera is in getting repaired, hopefully I'll have it back in the next couple of weeks.

Hope everyone had a wonderful summer...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

3D/4D Ultrasound

We had a 3D/4D ultrasound done today, it was very exciting to get to see our baby girl. I never got the chance to have one with Rylie, so it was important to me to have one done with this baby. Kyle's Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-In-Law, Niece, Nephew and my Aunt & Uncle were all there with us. Afterwards we all went to lunch, it was a very special day.
These ultrasounds are so amazing to me. We got to see her move around little bit, even smile! They estimate she's already 3 pounds. We got to take home a DVD & CD full of video & pictures. I'm getting SO excited about meeting our little princess! (wish we had a name for her hahahaha)
our baby girl with her foot in her face :)

There she is! Can't wait to meet her.

a little smirk
her little hand in front of her face

Friday, August 3, 2012

HB with Avery

My cousin Josh, his wife Shawna & their daughter Avery came down from Oregon to visit. Rylie & I met them down in Huntington Beach one day. They were setting up for the U.S. Open so it was really busy, but we still had a nice time. Rylie did SO good sharing her sand toys with her cousin Avery (we're still learning to share), I was so proud of her!
It was really nice to see our cousins, we miss them very much and always love spending time with them!

enjoying an ice cream cone on the pier

Shawna, Josh & Avery

Rylie in her new "kini" aka bikini :)

building sand castles with cousin Josh

playing in the sand with Avery

*I ended the day with a trip to the hospital. Feeling a lot of discomfort, soreness, ect... (since I had complications with my 1st pregnancy they wanted me to be checked out). After 4 hours they sent me home. I'm resting a lot & trying to stay off my feet as much as possible. Ahhh the joys of pregnancy. I'm 25 1/2 weeks, only 3 more months to go!