Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

she's a handful!

I see a trip to the emergency room in my near future. I think my precious little girl is half MONKEY! She has started climbing on everything...the dining room table & chairs, the couches, her toys outside, her activity table, ect... She is definitely a handful! I can't take my eyes off her. Here's a few pictures I've taken the last couple of weeks of her "mischief".
sitting on Kyle's night stand

she climbs on the chairs and hides under the table

if you take your eyes off her for a second she can empty a toilet paper roll!
climbing on her activity table, she fell off it as I was taking this picture

she loves to play under the fish tank


Unknown said...

OH. MY. GOSH! I should start baby proofing NOW!

Kristi said...

So cute!! She's a doll! :) Love the TP pic!! I have one of those, too....ha ha! They keep us on our toes, that's for sure!