Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, February 28, 2011

The "no bottle project" COMPLETE

Rylie hasn't had a bottle in almost 2 weeks, she's officially off the "ba ba". I threw them all away the other day. She's done very well. She's been a little fussy because she has 4 molars coming in at the same time. I feel bad that I can't give her a bottle to soothe her, but her binkie is giving her some comfort (along with orajel!). It is nice not having to wash bottles everyday:)


Unknown said...

Orojel is a lifesaver! =) Congrats on being "ba ba" free!

Lashelle said...

Good job! Breaking them of things is always the hardest!! Not only on them but also on you too!! My mom broke Cadence of her binkie when Josh and I took our first trip up to Idaho to check it out up here...we weren't ready for that and it was a long couple weeks when we got back but we all survived!!