Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Big Day!!!

I took Rylie to her 4 month doctor appointment today. She weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches, I couldn't believe it when the nurse said she weighed 11 pounds!!! The doctor also said she gets to start eating rice cereal and in a couple of weeks she can start baby food. Everything looks good and she seems to be right on target with all her developments. Rylie did sooooo good when they gave her her shots, I was a very proud Mama!

On the way home we stopped at the mall and I got her ears pierced! I know I know some of you probably think I'm a bad Mommy for putting my baby through all of that in one day, but I'm glad I did, now it's all over. Again she did amazing. I had a bottle ready, so after they pierced the last ear I stuck the bottle in her mouth and she was fine! The ladies that did it were awesome. Right now she has in little white gold balls, in 4 to 6 weeks we can put in her diamonds that Daddy bought her for Valentine's Day. They also gave her a certificate, it says "Congratulations Rylie on your first ear piercing!", I thought that was nice (something for her scrapbook).

Rylie was such a trooper today, I am so proud of her.

1 comment:

Lashelle said...

I am glad to hear she is doing so well. She is soo stinkin cute!! Just a little note on her earrings...especially when you put the diamonds in...there are little rubber backs you can put on after you put the back clasp on the earrings, I recommend putting those on...Cadence has lost atleast one of all my gold earrings and one of the ones they pierced hers with. I got some earrings with these rubber backs and haven't had a problem since...sorry for the long note :)!!