Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I miss this girl!!!!!!
I walked out to my mailbox the other day and look what I found...
... a beautiful picture of my niece Lauren. Lauren lives in Pheonix with her Mom so I don't get to see her very much anymore. This is her school picture (she's a freshman this year), isn't she gorgeous? A lot of people say she looks just like me, and I'm very flattered at that, but Lauren is much prettier & smarter than I ever was! I miss her & her Mom so much.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Annual Halloween Party 2008
Every year for the last 4 years Kyle's sister Kim has put on a Halloween party, it's mostly for the kids but the adults get involved too (pretty much everyone dresses up). And every year it's a lot of fun filled with games, friends and good food - this year was no exception!
Kyle didn't dress up this year because he had to go to work later that night, and I just used an old costume I had worn years ago and went as a french maid (again).
"Thanks Kim for another fantastic Halloween party! Can't wait for next year... "
Kyle didn't dress up this year because he had to go to work later that night, and I just used an old costume I had worn years ago and went as a french maid (again).
Friday, October 24, 2008
Please feel free to leave comments on our blog. You don't have to have a blog to be able to leave us a comment. At the end of each post it says "comments", you click on that and it will take you to the comment page. You can leave a comment using "anonymous" if you don't have a blog. We would love to hear from you and see what you think of our blog & posts. We don't have a myspace or a facebook, we feel this is more private and "family" oriented. This is our way of keeping in touch with our friends & family that live out of state/country, and to let everyone know what we've been up to & what we're thinking.
Thanks for visitng our blog- Don't forget to leave a comment : )
Thursday, October 23, 2008
dinner with one of my favorite people
Last night I had dinner with my cousin Melissa, she just turned 20 years old last month. Melissa, or Missy as her friends would call her, is one of my most favorite people in the world! She's one of those people you just love to be around, she makes me laugh every time I'm with her. Melissa is actually my second cousin, but she's feels more like my niece. And even though there is a 10 year age difference we get along very well. I love her so much and I'm so proud to call her "family". She's a good listener, strong in her faith, a wonderful friend, and all around a great person! I just wish there were more people in this world like her, everyone should have a "Melissa" in their life. It doesn't matter how bad of a day you've had she can always make you smile and forget about everything else. She's mature and wise beyond her years, and she's growing into this beautiful woman. She makes me want to be a better person, her "spirit" is contagious! As I sit and write this I feel like I can't explain exactly what kind of person she is, there isn't words to describe how she shines. Don't get me wrong she's not "perfect" by any means, but pretty darn close!
"I love you Melissa, thanks for dinner!"
Monday, October 20, 2008
A must read!

Last week I was reading my friend Leslie's blog and she did a post on the different books and authors she was reading, one of them was Stephanie Meyer. The next day I was listening to KIIS FM (one of our local radio stations) and they were talking about Stephanie Meyer too. She has a series of books out right now, the first one is called Twilight, and that's the one everyone is talking about at the moment because the movie is coming out in November. I asked my friend Leslie if it was really "that good", she said it was about vampires (something she's not usually interested in reading about) but she also said that once I start reading it I won't be able to put it down, she was totally right! I read the entire 500 page novel in 3 days, it was really good, can't wait to go buy the next one! Like Leslie I wasn't too interested in reading something about vampires, and I later found out the series was originally meant for a younger generation of girls, so I wasn't too sure how I was going to enjoy a book about teenage vampires :) but let me just say "it was a great book!", I highly recommend it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's that time of year
If you've ever lived in Southern California you know that we get Santa Ana winds this time of year, well this year is no different. Along with the winds comes fires, there are currently 3 big fires burning right now. Kyle left yesterday afternoon on the mobile dispatch unit, which means he'll be working out in the field this week. Last year when he went out on the mobile unit he was gone for 6 days. Please keep Kyle and the rest of the people dealing with these fires in your thoughts & prayers. Thank you...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Kyle was very happy!

The Arizona Cardinals beat the Dallas Cowboys yesterday!!!
Cardinals 30, Cowboys 24 (OT)
After seeing the Cowboys kick a 52-yard field goal to send the game into overtime, the Cardinals responded by blocking a punt to win. Sean Morey blocked the kick and Monty Beisel (52) took the loose ball into the end zone.
Cardinals 30, Cowboys 24 (OT)
After seeing the Cowboys kick a 52-yard field goal to send the game into overtime, the Cardinals responded by blocking a punt to win. Sean Morey blocked the kick and Monty Beisel (52) took the loose ball into the end zone.
Friday, October 10, 2008
NKOTB Concert

I loved them 20 years ago and I love them now...
A bunch of us girls went to the New Kids On The Block concert the other night at The Staple Center. They actually put on a really good show, a lot better than what we were expecting. My very first concert ever was a New Kids concert so this was kinda cool to get to see them again, it brought back a lot of memories. And just for the record... I still love Jordan! LOL, no seriously the guy is doin' good!!!
"Thanks girls"
"Hope you had a great birthday Jen, we love you!"
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
...more Halloween decorations
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Halloween time at the Sanfords
We started putting up our Halloween decorations last week. Here's a sneak peak of some of the fun stuff going on in our home this month...

Monday, October 6, 2008
Becky's Baby Shower
Becky's baby shower was last Saturday (Oct. 4th). Becky & I have been friends since we were 4 years old. I was so honored to be part of such a wonderful day! It was nice to see everyone. All of Becky's friends & family made her shower so special. We can't wait to meet Baby Siris, he is already so loved! Here are a few pictures I took at the shower...
Friday, October 3, 2008
"Thanks Babe"
Yesterday when I got home from work my husband gave me two roses that he gotten from our yard and told me to go get my nails and toes done. And tonight I'm getting my hair done. Sometimes a girl just needs a little pampering to feel better. And it totally worked! I feel much better, physically & mentally. Now I have pretty little toes and nice nails to show off. Do I have the best husband or what? (Oh and I forgot to mention that he took me shopping the other night to buy a new outfit too.)
"Thanks Babe for realizing I needed a little pick me up, you're the best and I love you whole bunches!"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A new book by my favorite author!

I use to hate to read. It took me 29 years to become a "reader". It made my mother very happy, she loves to read, always has. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks, I read all his books in less than 6 months. And yes he's kind of a "mushy, love story" writer, but his stuff is really good. If I wanted a horror, murder mystery I'd watch the news, sometimes it's good to get lost in a love story adventure. He wrote The Notebook, Message In A Bottle and A Walk To Remember and they're right the book is better than the movie. Recently another one of his books became a movie, Nights In Rodanthe, I'm dying to see it! He also just came out with another book, The Lucky One ( it came out on Sept. 30th) and I started reading it last night, so far so good! He's one of those writers that once you start a book you can't put it down! He's from the East Coast, most of his novels take place in North Carolina, he's married and has 5 children and is really handsome! I'm very excited to see how this new book turns out. So if you're looking for a good book I suggest you pick up a novel by Nicholas Sparks, trust me you'll love it!
"Happy Reading!"
I was driving to work this morning and the guy in front of me totally threw his cigarette butt out his car window, then not 2 minutes later he threw a piece of paper (looked like a gum wrapper or something) out the window! What is wrong with people? Don't they know what that does to our environment, our community, and not to mention it's AGAINST THE LAW! I just haven't seen someone liter in a long time so I guess this caught me off guard. It really bothered me, I mean is it really that hard to keep your trash in your car until you stop and find a trash can? It's hard to think that we're living in the year 2008 and people still think it's okay to toss stuff out their car window.
Please teach our children (and adults apparently) not to litter.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Prayer Request...
My Uncle Rick went to the hospital on Sunday night because he was having some pain. They admitted him into the hospital and he won't be released until Friday. They ran some tests and it looks like he will need surgery in a few weeks. My Aunt told me what he had but I can't pronounce it. Please say a little prayer for his fast & full recovery. Thank you...
Lacey & Riley
I got in touch with my niece Lacey and she e-mailed me these pictures yesterday of her and her son Riley (my great-nephew!). Isn't he a cutie?
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