Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Brooklyn: 10 months old

Can you believe this little beauty is 10 months old?!?
She loves to wave bye-bye, clap, and dance. She is a very happy baby. She has 8 teeth, wears 18-24 months in clothes, eats anything & everything you give her, and she's starting to stand without holding on to something. I'm not sure how much she weighs right now but I'm pretty sure her & Rylie are about the same weight LOL. She gets SOOO excited when her Daddy comes home at night, her & Rylie fight over him hahahaha. Brooklyn definitely completes our home, she is such a fun & loving little girl. Here are a few pictures I took at the park last week...

1 comment:

ashley.84 said...

Nice pictures Julie! Omg, that dress is SO cute on Brooklyn!!! I love it! <3