Last week was our 2nd week of "homeschool preschool". Our theme was "the farm", we learned letter Bb & number 2. We had lots of fun doing the crafts this week (just so everyone understands, I do help Rylie a little bit, but she does most of the work herself. Although, it is fun working on the crafts together!). We also work on shapes, colors and scissor skills in her workbook everyday. Our Friday "cooking" lesson was eggs. She helped make eggs for breakfast, and had a glass of milk. We talked about how eggs & milk come from the animals on the farm.
On Thursday we took a "field trip" to the farm at the L.A. County fair. We saw lots of animals and even got to feed some. I wish I would've taken some pictures of her letter & number worksheets so you could see how well she's doing... But here's a little sneak peak of our week!
Rylie's barn was made from cardboard, a paper towel roll and a egg carton cup. She painted everything herself and then Mommy helped her glue it together. She loved doing the muddy pig craft and making a pen for him, it turned out really cute! |
Rylie really liked doing her sheep (Mommy did the face). She glued cotton balls on the body and cut strips of black paper for the legs. We did a fine motor skill craft too, she glued fruit loops onto the letter B. |
Salt tray! Rylie loves practicing her letters & numbers by tracing them in salt. She could do this for hours! |
She made a cow using her footprint. Super cute! |
"My Little Ham" writing her big B's |
Horse craft... I cut out the head. Rylie painted a paper plate, cut out legs and helped cut the fringe for the main & tail. She also drew the mouth and nose. Mommy stapled it all together. |
checking out the baby pigs at the fair |
feeding a baby cow with Daddy |
"milking" a cow |
harvesting the corn |
*Rylie is also enjoying her "computer school" (that's what she calls her program hahahaha). I sit and do the actual lessons with her, but she will sit on the computer by herself playing games, taking care of her hamster & fish tank, listening to stories and doing coloring activities. I'm really glad we signed her up for it!
1 comment:
Omg, I love this post! I saw a commercial for the online school and thought it looked like an awesome thing to be able to have access to for her! She is doing so well, I am so proud of her! Your blog is awesome Julie :] I love the pictures of Rylie with her school work, she looks genuinely proud of herself! (as she should :)!!) Love and miss you guys SO much!
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