Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homeschool Preschool

Rylie still has 2 years before she starts kindergarten, we were going to put her in preschool 2 days a week but the school I want her to go to was full (she will be going there next year for pre-K). So I decided to try homeschooling her this year (fingers crossed!), I did teach Pre-K for 3 years but this is going to be a little different. I've kind of converted the playroom into a small classroom (still needs some work) and I collected a lot of resources & materials. Rylie & I are very excited to get started, it'll be interesting with a 10 month old hahaha. My plan is to blog about Rylie's progress each month, so stayed tuned...

Our "classroom". We're still working on it...
Mommy's "teacher" box

I put worksheets in plastic covers so she can use a dry erase maker, and we can reuse them.

Our theme for September is APPLES. We will be going to the library each month to get books about our monthly theme. Rylie really liked going to the library. At the end of September we will be taking a field trip to Oak Glen to go apple picking.

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