Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, January 27, 2012

I think we might be ready...

...to start potty training!


Rylie has really been showing interest in the potty lately. I bought her pull ups last week, she's really good at pulling them up & down. She doesn't like her little potty, she uses it as a stool to climb up on the big potty.

Well...this morning she peed in the potty! and this afternoon she did a little poop :) We were SO excited! I'm starting her a chart with stickers (she loves stickers) and a jar of M&M's as a reward (whatever works right?!?!). I can't believe it's already time to start potty training my baby.
Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

YAY, Rylie! Good luck to you and your mommy. You are such a big girl!

Lashelle said...

Love the picture!! Good luck! Cadence was a breeze...anything for chocolate...Tristan, not so much! She is getting too big!