Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, March 25, 2011

An evening with family

 My cousins Rick & Heather (who are more like my Uncle & Aunt) drove down from Oregon to surprise everyone. Last night Rylie & I went over to my Uncle Jimmy's house in Huntington Beach to have dinner with everyone. We had a really nice evening.
Heather & Rylie
Uncle Jimmy & Rylie

Melissa, Julie, Rylie, Heather, Maggie & Shelley

"I am very lucky to have such a big extended family."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sick Mommy

I woke up last Friday with a sore throat and runny nose. I thought I was getting better by Sunday, the sore throat & runny nose went away. Then I got this horrible cough and started spitting up thick, green flem (I know TMI! hahahaha). I would get the chills, then I would start sweating, I felt really bad! I struggled all week trying to rest and feel better. It is so hard being sick and having a baby to take care of (especially when your husband works nights). Well... things got worse. I woke up Thursday morning with an ear infection. So off to the doctor we went (Kyle had to drive me because I felt so bad). The doctor gave me a cough medicine with codeine and a antibiotic (for my MIDDLE EAR INFECTION!).I get very nauseous & dizzy from the medicine - wonderful,just what I needed! 
To make matters worse I think Rylie is getting sick now. She wakes up with gunk in her eye, her voice is a little raspy and she has a runny nose. I'm going to see how she does over the weekend, looks like we might be making another trip to the doctor!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

just because...

Just wanted to share some pictures of Rylie that I took over the last few days...

"Oh how I love this face!"

I love warm weather, I can put dresses on my baby girl!

she kept climbing into her toy box, and then she would cry. Crazy kid!

"My Little Monkey", she climbs on EVERYTHING!

she climbed up on the table to get to the bag of Fritos LOL

"Cody's Ride To Survive"

Over the weekend Kyle, Rylie & I went camping out at Cal City for a memorial ride in honor of Cody Waters, a little boy who died of brain cancer in March 2009, a month before his10th birthday. Everyone rode their dirt bikes, quads, and side by sides to the Jawbone Store where we had lunch & a raffle to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer. Rylie & I rode in a truck with Kyle's friend Patty so we could be a part of the wonderful day. I actually won a gift card to Target &  Red Robin from the raffle (two of my favorite places!). I think we will make this an annual trip, I would really like to get more people involved next year, it was a very humbling experience. If you would like to read more about Cody or the ride please go to http://thecodywatersfoundation.com/
Daddy & Rylie eating lunch

lunch & raffle @ The Jawbone Store

Scott, Patty, Kyle & Rylie

Me, Kyle & Rylie at the Cody Water's Memorial Ride 2011
Rylie loved sitting on the bikes

Daddy & Rylie on Mommy's quad

building the "fire tower"

everyone gathered around to watch them set the tower on fire, good thing we had firemen with us hahahaha

Rylie and her monkey...

Kyle's Dad bought Rylie a monkey last Thanksgiving, it moves & makes noises. She absolutley loves it! It's so cute to watch her with it, she gives it hugs & kisses and likes to take it in the car with her...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blogging Anniversary

I've been blogging for 3 years now, I have written over 415 posts. WOW that's crazy, I didn't think I'd keep it up that long LOL. I actually really enjoy keeping a blog, and sharing our life with friends & family that live far away. It seems like more and more people are starting to follow our blog, so I guess I'll keep it up! Hopefully I will be able to keep you interested. Thanks for all the comments, keep them coming!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

9 years...

Kyle and I met 9 years ago today, and we've been together ever since...

...here's to many more happy years together.

"I love you Kyle. Thank you for this amazing life we share. I am so lucky to have you."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jake's 4th birthday

Our nephew Jake turned 4 years old last week, we went to his birthday party over the weekend. I can't believe our little Jake is four years old already, boy how time flies! We are so lucky we get to watch him grow up. Rylie LOVES her cousin Jake, she can even say his name (well it's sounds more like "cake" hahahaha). Jake had so much fun playing with all of his friends, he's such a special little boy and we love him so much! Here are some pictures from our fun day...
Uncle Kyle got Jake drums!
The birthday boy blowing out his candles

"playing in the jumper with Mommy"

My big girl in the jumper
"My little family"
"Rylie the ROCKSTAR"
going down the slide

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"My little book lover"

baby proofed

Here's a few things we've had to do around the house since Miss Rylie learned to walk...

there's a baby gate at the top AND the bottom of the stairs

we just had to put a third gate today in the kitchen

she's a handful!

I see a trip to the emergency room in my near future. I think my precious little girl is half MONKEY! She has started climbing on everything...the dining room table & chairs, the couches, her toys outside, her activity table, ect... She is definitely a handful! I can't take my eyes off her. Here's a few pictures I've taken the last couple of weeks of her "mischief".
sitting on Kyle's night stand

she climbs on the chairs and hides under the table

if you take your eyes off her for a second she can empty a toilet paper roll!
climbing on her activity table, she fell off it as I was taking this picture

she loves to play under the fish tank