Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rylie's 15 month check up

Rylie had her 15 month check up this morning. She weighs 20 pounds 10 ounces. The doctor also told me to take her off the bottle...what? she's only 15 months old! He's worried about her teeth and falling asleep with a bottle. I enjoy having a baby, I don't want to rush her to grow up, I don't believe in taking them off a bottle too soon just to make my life easier. I know I baby her, and I'm probably the reason she's high maintenance hahaha, but I waited a long time to have a baby and it took a lot to get her here. Plus she might be my only one, so I cherish every minute of it. But I guess doctor knows best, so as of today I am taking my baby off the bottle. When we got home from the doctor it was time for a nap so I decided to see how she would do without a bottle (she still takes a bottle a nap times and bedtime). Well it was pretty rough (she cried a lot) and I almost gave in, but she did it! She fell asleep on her own without a bottle-YAY! I know the first week is going to be tough, but I know it's something I have to do :(
 I also discussed with the doctor about her holding her breathe and passing out (she's done it 16 times since October), he said it's common and not to worry about it, which is what I read online too. It still freaks me out! We went over things to do when she does it, he said she'll eventually grow out of it.
Other than that he was happy with how she's doing.
here she is waiting for the doctor


Unknown said...

Good job, Mommy! I love the picture of Rylie waiting for the Dr.; she is such a good girl.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful as usual. Thank you for always updating it and keeping us informed. Great pictures. Love Mom