Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, December 13, 2010

13 months ALREADY!!!

Okay... didn't we JUST have Rylie's 1st birthday?!?! I can't believe it's already been a month since her party- crazy!

*She has 8 teeth now, 4 came in at the same time! Poor baby was in so much pain.
*She's still not completely walking on her own yet but she sure does try, she wants to walk SO bad.
*She's really developing her own little personality, she cracks us up sometimes. S
he says Dada, dog, Mama, (she use to say uh oh) and we're working on "up"and "baby".
*She loves to go outside and see the birds, she can point out the moon & airplanes in the sky.
*She's a good eater.
*If you tell her to go get her baby, she will. She loves to push her baby in the stroller. She also hugs her babies & stuffed animals, it's SO cute! 
*She just went on her first camping/riding trip (she's been camping but not out in the desert where we go dirt bike riding) she did AMAZING, she had so much fun and was such a good girl.
*She really loves playing with her toys & books.
*We went and saw Santa last week and she did not like him hahaha (takes after her Mommy).
*She still loves animals and being outside.
*She wears 12 months in clothes, size 3 diapers and a size 4 in shoes. Not bad for a preemie!
*She likes to feed the dogs their food and play in their water bowl
*She likes to sneak by me and go up the stairs, she giggles the whole way, it's so funny
* Everything is a phone, she puts everything & anything to her ear and babbles :)
* She's still in her infant car seat (she doesn't meet the weight requirement yet), but I think we're going to get her a "big girl" seat this week and see how she does.
Well that's all I can think of right now...

Our little girl is growing up so fast, it's so much fun watching her develope from a baby into a little person!

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