Okay I seriously can't believe my baby is 3 months old already. You always hear people say "it goes by fast", now I know what they mean! Rylie turned 3 months old on Thursday, she weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long at her doctor's appt. She's been sleeping a lot more through the night and stays awake more during the day. We just started her on 4 ounces of formula, she's still having some issues with throwing up but the doctor said she's gaining weight so not to worry about it too much. It's so fun watching her discover new things, she loves being outside. She smiles & laughs a lot now, I love listening to her make all her noises. Right now she sleeps in her cradle by my bed, I'm hoping to put her in her crib in her room next month but we'll see how that goes (I might chicken out hahahahaha).
My beautiful girl
Here's my big girl in her swing