Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, May 11, 2009

A visit from my Mom & Ashley...

Last month my Mom and my niece Ashley came to visit. My Mom flew down from Washington and stayed for 7 1/2 days, Ashley flew down from Oregon and stayed for 2 1/2 days. We had so much fun together, it was great getting to spend time with them. They arrived on a Friday evening and we went straight to dinner with our cousins (Sergio, Maggie, Michael & Melissa). Then on Saturday my Mom, Ashley and I woke up early and went to Disneyland for my Mom's birthday. Kyle's cousin got us in for free so that was really nice. We had such a wonderful day running around both parks. We also went to dinner that night with my brother John and his wife Tracy. On Sunday Ashley spent the day with her Mom, but when she got back we took her shopping for her birthday. Then on Monday it was back to the airport to drop off Ashley, it was sad to see her go. My Mom and I had a busy week. We went to The Getty Center with my cousin Maggie for her birthday,we did some shopping, visited with Kyle's parents, went down to Huntington Beach and spent the day with my Uncle Jimmy & his wife Peggy, went over to my brother's house, hung out in the warm sun, went to Kyle's sister's house for dinner, and then before we knew it it was time for my Mom to leave. We had a fun week but it went by so fast, I always hate saying good-bye.

Here's some pictures. There's tons more but we're having trouble downloading them, so once I get more I'll be sure to share them...

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