Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, March 30, 2009

"what we've been up to..."

I haven't "blogged" in a while so I thought I'd let everyone know what we've been up to. We're still working on the house (I'm so ready for it to be done!). Kyle is doing an amazing job, I don't know how he does it between going to work and then coming home to work on the house. I know it'll all be worth it once it's done but I'm ready for everything to get back to normal around here. I could never handle a big renovation!
My Mom and my niece Ashley are coming out to visit us in a couple of weeks (at the end of April). I'm so excited to see them! We're taking my Mom to Disneyland for her birthday when she's here.
Kyle and I also made all the arrangements for our 2 week summer vacation. At the end of June we're packing up the trailer and heading north! We're going up to Oregon for my cousin Josh's wedding, on the way up we're going to stop and camp in the Redwoods for a few days. We'll be in Oregon for 4 days with all of my family, and on the way home we're stopping at Yosemite Lakes to camp for the remainder of our vacation. We are both very excited to get out of town for awhile ( Kyle really needs a vacation!), I am very excited to get to spend some time with my family.
The next few weeks will consist of our nieces birthday party, Easter at Kyle's parents house, hanging out with our friends Garret & Jessica, getting my hair done (thank goodness), hopefully a camping/riding trip, finishing the house and getting outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!


Leslie said...

Sounds like you've been busy, and looks like you have a lot to keep you busy through the summer. Have fun! Miss you.

Jessica & Garret said...

Woot woot!! Hanging out with me and Garret made your list of things to do in the next few weeks!!! :)
Can't wait to see you guys! Miss you and love you!