Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am counting the days!

I am 36 weeks pregnant, only 20 days until my c-section. I am above & beyond uncomfortable, sleeping doesn't really exist anymore. I am more than ready to have this baby. I must look really pregnant these days because people stop me all the time to touch my belly or ask when I'm due hahahaha. So far I've gained 40 lbs., pretty much all belly, I look like I'm going to fall over LOL. I seriously don't think my stomach can stretch anymore. At my last dr. visit he had mentioned that this looks like a big baby, I'm guessing around 8 pounds (but we'll just have to wait and see!). I'm still having contractions and my back is killing me, oh and in case you were wondering I still have my saliva problem (by the time I have the baby I will have been spitting in a cup for 7 months!).

On a totally different note...Rylie is so excited about her Grandma & Grandpa coming to stay at her house. She's also very excited about her birthday, we're doing a small family party because I will just be getting home from having the baby. She has requested balloons, cake, candles, party hats, & presents hahahaha. I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 3 years old, she has been such a trooper through this pregnancy (it hasn't been easy). I can't wait to see her with her new baby sister :)

Only 2 weeks & 6 days to go!!!

P.S. It's in the 90's & 100's AGAIN, not happy about that! We had about 3 days of cool Fall weather, and now we're back to summer temps.


Unknown said...

Hang in there!!! Soon this pregnancy will be a memory!

Kristi said...

Not too much longer now! Hang in there! When you're holding that precious baby girl, it will all feel "worth it." I can't wait to "hear" the news of her arrival!