Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I had my in-depth unltrasound today to check if I had velamentous cord insertion again like I did with Rylie. The ultrasound looked great and so did the umbilical cord. The baby is growing perfectly, and he was able to confirm that we are definitley having a GIRL! I am soooo excited, I came home and ordered her 2 flower headbands :) I know it would've been fun to have a little boy (one of each), but I LOVE having a little girl! I'm glad all the bows, flowers, tu-tus & dresses don't end with Rylie, I get to start all over again! I can't wait to start thinking of picture ideas :) Plus I was getting worried that if I had a boy he would have to play with all of these pink toys LOL. Now we just have to think of a name for this new little princess (I have a few ideas), please feel free to leave any suggestions! Oh and I'm 20+ weeks, more than half way there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY!!! That's awesome news and YAY for TWO GIRLS! So exciting!