Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

some June pictures...

I've been slacking on taking pictures and blogging lately. I'm really trying to get my camera out on a daily basis, so hopefully I'll be a better blogger :)Here's some pics from the month of June...
playing in her new pool

hangin' out in the backyard with Daddy

We went over to our friends Kris & Melissa's one night for dinner, we had a really nice evening. This is Rylie playing with baby Addi. "Thanks guys for having us over!"

Rylie & Kendall

Our trip to Grandma & Grandpa's

This post is a little over due... Rylie & I went up to visit my parents in Washington last month, we were there for 2 weeks. Unfortunatley, Kyle had to work and couldn't come with us. I am so lucky that Rylie is such a good little traveler. We had a really nice time. Rylie loved playing with my parents dogs, she also loved playing Farmville with my Mom hahahaha. Here's a few pictures from our trip...
playing at the beach with Grandpa

playing "soccer" with Grandma & Grandpa

she loved throwing rocks in the water

digging for beach glass with Grandma

feeding Popeye the seal. Rylie LOVES Popeye!

walking out into False Bay when the tide went out

Grandma let Rylie have ice cream for breakfast :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I had my in-depth unltrasound today to check if I had velamentous cord insertion again like I did with Rylie. The ultrasound looked great and so did the umbilical cord. The baby is growing perfectly, and he was able to confirm that we are definitley having a GIRL! I am soooo excited, I came home and ordered her 2 flower headbands :) I know it would've been fun to have a little boy (one of each), but I LOVE having a little girl! I'm glad all the bows, flowers, tu-tus & dresses don't end with Rylie, I get to start all over again! I can't wait to start thinking of picture ideas :) Plus I was getting worried that if I had a boy he would have to play with all of these pink toys LOL. Now we just have to think of a name for this new little princess (I have a few ideas), please feel free to leave any suggestions! Oh and I'm 20+ weeks, more than half way there!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

80% = GIRL

I had my ultrasound done last Thursday, the baby's legs were crossed but the ultrasound tech said there's an 80% chance we are having a GIRL! I am sooo excited that Rylie is going to have a little sister! I am also glad my husband isn't one of these guys that HAS to have a boy, he enjoys his little girl very much. Bring on the tu-tus & bows!

Wow! 2 little girls, I can't wait!