Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pregnancy does not agree with ME!

I was really hoping this pregnancy was going to be different than my last one. But so far it's actually been worse, if that's even possible. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, and by 6 weeks I was so sick. I have morning sickness all day! I also have a condition called "ptyalism" (which started at 8 weeks), ptyalism  is excessive saliva & mucus.  I won't go into details because it's pretty gross. But I haven't really been able to leave my house (except to go to dr. appointments) in over a month. I have a lot more vomiting with this pregnancy too. I know, I'm mess hahahahaha. I just hope & pray that as I enter my 2nd trimester I will start to feel better.

I also have to mention how amazing my husband & daughter have been through all of this. Kyle has been so supportive & understanding, he has been so helpful with Rylie too. Rylie has been such a good girl, she brings me water & rubs my back when I throw up.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

AWWW I can't believe she brings you water and rubs your back when you are sick!!! What a good girl!!!! That is so cute!!! I am praying for you each day Jules, hoping that you start to feel better any day now!!! LOVE and MISS you guys like crazy!!!! (there I visited your blog AND commented LOL)