Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

potty training update

A few months ago I mentioned that I thought we might be ready to start potty training. I knew it was going to be tough because Rylie has "pooping issues".  She gets really constipated, and has to take miralax twice a week (which then flushes her out). We have pretty much mastered going pee-pee in the potty (she even stays dry through her 2 hour nap!) but she refuses to go poop on the potty. She associates pooping with pain & discomfort, so she'll ask to put on a pull-up so she can go hide in the corner to poop (and sometimes it'll take her all day to poop) she hates pooping in her underwear. We've been working on this for 6 weeks now and sometimes it gets a little frustrating because I know most kids are completely potty trained in 1-2 weeks. But I also sympathize with her because I know she has such a hard time pooping. I've talked to her doctor about it and he is not overly concerned, he said some kids just go through this. So we'll keep working on it and hopefully one day she'll realize it's easier to poop on the potty!


Lashelle said...

I wouldn't stress...kids all potty train in their own time, she is doing well at this age with what she is already doing...Tristan was over 3 and it took what seemed like forever. Cadence was much easier and trained sooner but then had some constipation issues. Just stay positive and make it fun! How exciting that she is doing so well!

Julie said...

Thanks Lashelle, I needed that!