Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A big birthday surprise!

Last weekend my parents drove down from Washington to surprise me for my birthday! They stayed with us all week and left early this morning. It was so great getting to spend my birthday with them. Rylie had so much fun with her Grandma & Grandpa. It's always SO hard saying good-bye, hopefully we'll see them again soon.

"Thanks Mom & Dad for the wonderful surprise, it meant a lot to me. I love you guys!"

"Thank you to everyone else who texted, called and sent cards. I am very blessed!"

Here are some pictures from their visit...
Grandpa & Rylie

Rylie & Grandma walking to the park

Grandpa & Grandma feeding the ducks

looking at a book with Auntie Maggie & Grandma

feeding a duck


Unknown said...

What a nice surprise! Happy birthday!!!! Hope it was a good one!

Lashelle said...

Love surprises like that!!! Happy birthday!! Double 3's...won't be long and I will be there too.