Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our trip to San Juan Island, WA

Rylie and I went up to my parents house for 2 1/2 weeks (Jan. 5-22). We had such a great time, Rylie LOVED hanging out with her Grandma & Grandpa. My niece Ashley drove up from Oregon to see us, which made our trip extra special ("Thanks Ash!"). I wanted it to snow SO bad, the weather was pretty mild but we did get one night of snow. I took full advantage of the snow, I went and played in my pajamas with my parents dog hahaha she liked catching snow balls.  I also got a few pictures of Rylie in it the next morning before it melted. Rylie was so good on the airplane, in the car, and on the ferry. I was SO proud of her. Rylie loved playing with my parents dogs, making Grandma, Grandpa & Ashley turn everything on every morning, and making messes ALL OVER the house. But she sure was happy to see her Daddy when we got home. 

"Thanks Mom & Dad for EVERYTHING! We had a great time. We miss you already!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun!