I forgot to post this picture last week, the quality isn't very good because it's a picture of a picture :) I took Rylie to see the Easter bunny for the first time, she did great! We stood in line for 40 MINUTES but it was all worth it, I love how the picture turned out (my big girl!). By the time we got to the front of the line Rylie had a poopy diaper and I had to pee soooo bad, then the printer went down! luckily the Easter bunny fixed it and we were able to get our picture done (I was laughing when the bunny went to fix the printer hahaha).

She is such a happy baby! I will talk to Julie at Stagecoach and see when we can go out and visit. The girls need a play day!!!
She is so adorable! I love seeing her pictures, Julie! I can't believe I haven't blogged since July of last year...LOL. I think I might start up again. Your blog inspires me! :) XXOO LOVE YOU.
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