Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

We still do "school"...

Rylie and I still do homeschool preschool a few days a week. We took 2 months off between Halloween & New Years (because of the holidays & my parents were staying with us). I've been slacking on posting her work & crafts that she's been doing lately...
One week we learned about snow, winter & snowflakes. We even made a mini snowman in the backyard!
Here's a bunch of pictures of some of the things she's been learning & making...and yes, sometimes we do school in our princess dresses or pajamas!
putting ice in the blender to make snow!

"Do you want to build a snowman?!"


K is for kite!

matching upper case letters to lower case letters
she painted glue on the letter K and then sprinkled it with glitter

We started learning the months of the year

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