Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feeding the ducks

The other day we went to the river walk to feed the ducks with Daddy. The girls loved it! We love when we get to do things with Daddy...

Camping at Stoddard Wells

We went camping/riding over Presidents Day weekend with some people Kyle works with. It was a really fun & mellow weekend, just the way I like it! Kyle & Rylie flew the kite she got for Valentines day, I got to ride my quad, the side-by-side ran great after they fixed it, Brooklyn & Rylie both had friends to play with, and the dogs had a blast!

Levi slept on Brooklyn most of the way home hahahaha

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Angels

They can drive me crazy and push me to my limits...but boy do I love these two little girls!

These are the pictures I'm having blown up onto canvas' to hang above our bed...

Valentine's Day 2014

Rylie made Daddy a Valentine

painting hearts with a empty toilet paper roll

Valentine's Day morning....opening presents from Daddy

after we opened our presents we went camping!

some of our Valentine decorations

we hung hearts in our "classroom"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brooklyn is 15 months old!

Brooklyn turned 15 months old last week. She weighs 25 pounds, 14 ounces. I started weaning her off the bottle as of Wednesday, so far so good! She's down to one bottle! She stays in her crib the whole night now, waking up between 3:00-4:00am for a 4oz. bottle. I'm just happy she's staying in her own bed! Rylie didn't sleep through the night until she was about 2, so I'm not surprised that Brooklyn still wakes up (I'm just TIRED!).
This is the precious little face I get to see every morning...

We still do "school"...

Rylie and I still do homeschool preschool a few days a week. We took 2 months off between Halloween & New Years (because of the holidays & my parents were staying with us). I've been slacking on posting her work & crafts that she's been doing lately...
One week we learned about snow, winter & snowflakes. We even made a mini snowman in the backyard!
Here's a bunch of pictures of some of the things she's been learning & making...and yes, sometimes we do school in our princess dresses or pajamas!
putting ice in the blender to make snow!

"Do you want to build a snowman?!"


K is for kite!

matching upper case letters to lower case letters
she painted glue on the letter K and then sprinkled it with glitter

We started learning the months of the year

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine cookies

Today started off "Valentine Week!". Rylie sent out a few Valentine cards over the weekend to her friends, we've been reading Valentine books, the house is all decorated, and today we made cookies! Rylie really enjoyed making the dough & icing (I got a great recipe off Pinterest) and then decorating her heart cookies :)