Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dinner with the girls

Last night Kyle's Mom babysat Rylie so I could go have dinner with some friends from high school ("Thanks Karen!"). We went to Haven Gastropub in Old Town Orange, it was pretty good. I've known these girls forever and I love them to pieces. It was so good to see Amy & Lashelle who were visiting from out of state. We had such a nice evening catching up & reminiscing, wish we could do it more often...

"Thanks ladies for a great night, love you guys!"
Lashelle & Julie

Lisa, Julie & Summer

Julie & Amy

Leslie & Julie

Lisa, Lashelle, & Becky

Monday, June 27, 2011

Sarah & Johnny's Wedding

So after our 2 week adventure up north we had to get back for Sarah's wedding (Kyle's cousin). Sarah & Johnny were married at Serendipity in Oak Glen, CA. It was a beautiful wedding,  Sarah looked amazing (so did Johnny hahaha). Everyone had a great time. My Aunt Maggie came and picked up Rylie half way through the reception so that Kyle & I could stay. This was the first night I have spent away from my baby, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But boy was I happy when they brought her home!

"Thank you Sarah & Johnny for a wonderful evening. We love you guys very much and wish you all the happiness in the world!"

Kim, Jennifer & I

Kyle's Grandparents, Marty & Marlene
(Isn't this a great picture of them!?!?)

Sarah & her Daddy

Mr. & Mrs. Johnny White!

Rylie & her Papa

How cute are these two little guys!?

Kaitlyn & Jenna

It was a beautiful setting

My handsome hubby
only REAL men can hold a parasol  LOL

Our family vacation...

Kyle, Rylie & I went on a 2 week adventure.
We left Thursday June 9th for Oregon...
*June 10th-12th in Cottage Grove Oregon at Dorena Lake for my nephew Jacob's high school graduation
*June 12th-13th in Grants Pass Oregon at my Auntie Heather's house

*June 14th-20th at my parents house on the San Juan Islands in Washington
*June 20th back to Grants Pass, OR to spend the night
*June 21st-22nd in Marysville, CA at Kyle's cousin's house
We had a really nice time. It was great seeing my family. While we were in Oregon we went to my nephew Jacob's graduation, got to meet the newest member of our family (little Avery), camped at Dorena Lake, picked strawberries from Auntie Heather's garden, went to Wildlife Images to see animals, Kyle did a little fishing, and just enjoyed the fresh air! When we went to my parents house on the San Juan Islands in Washington we got to see Orcas, bald eagles, deer & fox. We relaxed on my parents deck infront of a fire every night. Kyle also planted little trees on my parents property for Rylie, Ashley & Brook, then we all painted rocks with our names on them to put under our trees.  We also got see my Uncle Bill & Janet for a little while, and see his house one last time before he sells it . Another thing we discovered while on the island is geocaching (it's a world wide scavenger hunt), if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the website  http://www.geocaching.com/ it's a total waste of time but kinda fun & exciting hahahahaha.
On the way home we stopped at Kyle's cousins house in Marysville, it was really great to see little Hailey, she's growing up so fast! Rylie was so lucky to get to play with all of her cousins on this trip.
And I must mention that Rylie was AWESOME the entire 2 weeks we were gone, she is such a good little traveler. I am so proud of her!