Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy 11 month birthday Rylie!

Our baby girl turns 11 months old today. Wow how time flies! I can't believe I'm planning her first birthday party. She is growing up so fast, but we're enjoying every minute of it! She's still not walking on her own, but that doesn't stop her, she climbs the stairs like a bullet and loves to chase the dogs in her walker. Don't get me wrong she's a handful, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She truly makes our life complete. I still can't believe that with everything we went through we have a perfectly healthy baby with no delays.

Now on a more serious note...

Saturday night Rylie took a little tumble and bumped her head (she didn't fall hard at all), she was tired & grumpy so falling just made things worse. She started to cry really bad! And lost her breathe. Her eyes began to roll in the back of her head and then she passed out! I was holding her when this happened (and home alone I might add!). I bounced her a little to wake her up,  then went and splashed water in her face & took her outside for some fresh air. By this time she was totally awake and acting normal. I wanted to call 911 so I did, I called Kyle (for those of you that don't know, my husband is a 911 operator), he went over a few things with me and reassured me she was okay. SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!!!  Needless to say I didn't sleep very well that night, I kept going in to check on her. She's been fine ever since, I think it was worse on me then it was on her :) Oh the joys of parenthood...


Unknown said...

Happy 11 mos Rylie!
Oh my gosh... how scary!!!! I am glad she is ok!

Kathy said...

Oh how scary that had to have been - thank God she and you are ok!!! You really take some awesome pictures of Cute, Sweet Lil Riley! Love you