Our little Rylie is 9 months old today. She went to the Dr. this morning for her 9 month check up & TB shot (she was such an angel, didn't even cry). She weighs 18 pounds 5 ounces and is 27 inches long, she's in the 5th percentile of full term babies for her weight and 35th percentile for her length. The doctor was very happy with how well she is doing, it doesn't seem like she has any delays from being a preemie. She's sitting up by herself, crawling all over the place, has 2 teeth, eating "big people" food, babbling/squealing all the time, walks all over the house in her walker, sits in her stroller & shopping carts like a big girl (without her car seat), she's rapidly growing out of her 6 month clothes, I can put her hair in pigtails, she's starting to hold her own bottle (she gets lazy when it comes to this), she can pull herself up to stand, she wants to walk sooo bad ( I think she'll be walking by 10 or 11 months), she loves books, and she's a total Daddy's girl!!!
"We love you Rylie Makena, Happy 9 month Birthday! You are such a sweet baby, we are very lucky to have you in our lives. You make us smile everyday." 

(these pictures were taken with my cell phone so they aren't very good quality)
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