Our Little Family...

Our Little Family...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Summer in April

It felt more like July than April this weekend in Southern California. The temperature was well into the 90's. I took complete advantage of the beautiful weather and laid out in our backyard (with the dogs of course). Needless to say I didn't really get a tan, it's more like a "burn", but it's nice to have some color on my white body : ) Kyle had to work all weekend so the time he spent at home was mostly spent sleeping, so I did a lot of walking on my treadmill. I've lost 4 1/2 pounds in a week, let's just hope I can keep it up and finish losing the 15 I set as my goal. As I was laying out in the backyard over the weekend I realized how beautiful our rose bushes were (we have a total of 9 rose bushes between our front and backyards) so I decided to photograph some of them, as well as a picture of "my boys" laying so nicely together.


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